In 2021, we’re sharing a monthly chronological Bible reading plan that will help us grow and understand how the Bible fits together. We wanted to go ahead and provide the October reading plan so you can print it out and have it ready for the first day of the month!
The story of Scripture continues to unfold as we read about God’s judgement, human lament, and God’s compassion. Remember that lament is a form of poetry often consisting of prayers and hard conversations with God. Lament is intended to lead the mourner back to God, giving clarity to the situation and pointing to hope in God’s faithful love.
As we continue our journey, notice important key themes as you read.. God is the true God, in contrast to the idols of the nations. As the Creator of all people and nations, he is sovereign over the nations, having the ability and righteous perspective to bring them to judgement for their wickedness.
This month, read for the details. Learn more about God. Notice His compassion and plans for restoration. Look for insights into human sinfulness and examine your own life and attitudes toward God.
Here is your reading plan for October:
October 1 – Jeremiah 29-32
October 4 – Jeremiah 33-37
October 5 – Jeremiah 38-40; Psalms 74; 79
October 6 – 2 Kings 24-25; 2 Chronicles 36:1-21; Jeremiah 52
October 7 – Jeremiah 41-44
October 8 – Obadiah; Psalms 82-83
October 11 – Jeremiah 45-48
October 12 – Jeremiah 49-50
October 13 – Jeremiah 51; Psalm 137
October 14 – Lamentations 1:1-3:36
October 15 – Lamentations 3:37-5:22
October 18 – Ezekiel 1-4
October 19 – Ezekiel 5-8
October 20 – Ezekiel 9-12
October 21 – Ezekiel 13-16
October 22 – Ezekiel 17-20
October 25 – Ezekiel 21-24
October 26 – Ezekiel 25-28
October 27 – Ezekiel 29-32
October 28 – Ezekiel 33-36
October 29 – Ezekiel 37-40
Click to download a PDF version of the Know His Word October Reading Plan.
We’d also love to hear what you’re learning as we read through His Word together. Share on social media with the hashtag #KnowHisWord21, so we can learn together! We’ve included an image below, featuring a verse we will read this month, perfect for Instagram.