Through this series, we’ll help you discover new studies, new authors, and new topics. This time we’re highlighting 6 studies to help you on your parenting journey.
Who couldn’t use a little help when it comes to parenting? The joys of raising future men and women are many, but the day to day can be complex. From discussing tough topics, to discipline, to releasing yourself from unrealistic expectations, to answering questions kids have about life and faith, it’s no wonder that parents often aren’t sure what to say or how to say it. Here are 6 studies parents with kids of all ages will find helpful.
Christ-Centered Parenting by Russell Moore and Phillip Bethancourt | 6 sessions
Are you equipped to talk to your kids about today’s cultural issues? Discussing things like technology, gender issues, pornography, addiction, and same-sex attraction can be intimidating to say the least. Lead your children and teens in a confident and responsible way, and give your kids a biblical worldview that will produce the next generation of culture shapers—not simply the next generation shaped by their culture.
Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion | 7 sessions
Are you tired of trying to be good enough? As moms, we’re under constant pressure. We have to get it right in all areas of life—work, home, family, and faith—because our children’s futures hinge on our ability to perfectly orchestrate the present. But those impossible standards leave us oscillating between worry, fear, anger, and shame. They threaten to steal all the wonder from parenting, life, and our personal relationship with God. Discover how the gospel message can empower you to parent in the freedom of God’s sovereignty. So that you can breathe deeper, walk lighter, and enjoy your children—and the parenting journey—more than ever before.
Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman | 6 sessions
See God’s greater meaning and purpose for motherhood and the nurturing gifts moms demonstrate daily. Because sooner or later, every mother is bound to ask herself, Is this all I am? God has instilled motherhood with meaning and purpose as part of His greater plan for humanity. Whether or not a woman has been called to traditional motherhood, she demonstrates her nurturing gifts daily through caregiving, hospitality, discipleship, teaching, raising children, and serving others. Look to Scripture for evidence of God’s mission for motherhood and His greater purpose for each and every woman.
Ready to Launch by J.D. & Veronica Greear | 7 sessions
How does biblical theology apply to parenting? Christian parents are not seeking mere behavior modification in their children but the growth of truly godly passions. “Training a child up in the way he should go” must be done intentionally, with the mind and heart of God. Based on Psalm 127, this 7-session study plumbs the wisdom of the Bible about the goals of parenting, the stages of discipline, the role of the church, and strategies to shape the heart toward the gospel.
Ever After by Vicki Courtney | 6 sessions
Most women grow up on a steady diet of fairy tales and chick flicks that drive our dreams and leave us with a sugarcoated version of reality. The truth is, marriage and motherhood are hard. But Christ meets us wherever we are in the journey, and He alone is the answer to the happily ever after we long for.
Beautiful Mess by Sherry Surratt and Tracey Eyster | 6 sessions
As much as some women desire to become mothers, sometimes the challenges and circumstances are not what they ever expected. Being a mom is wonderful, but it’s also hard. Moms wonder: Am I enough? How can I love today when my child is deliberately disobeying me? How did I get in this mess, and why can’t I get it together? Along the way, women often feel like they’ve lost themselves and wonder what God is doing in their lives or if they are getting anything right. This study helps each mom discover (or remember) that she is the mom God chose for her children, and she is a beautiful mom.