Welcome to Session 1 of The Quest online Bible study by Beth Moore! We’re excited to start this journey of pursuing intimacy with God with you. Over the next six weeks, we’ll explore questions and responses from God’s Word, learn to read and respond to Scripture, and spend time growing in intimacy with God through prayer. We can’t wait for all that these next few weeks have in store for us!
Purchase or rent the videos here to fully experience this Online Bible Study by Beth Moore.
Please read the following instructions carefully; we’ve tried to anticipate your questions!
Here’s how this will work:
- Each week, we’ll provide some questions to review and reflect on the previous week’s personal study. For this first week, we’ll simply ask some questions for you to get to know your fellow Bible study participants! Feel free to discuss those questions in a group, or you can answer them in the comments section of this post.
- Then, you’ll watch the video with Beth. The first and last videos are approximately an hour long. The rest of the videos are about 15-20 minutes long.
- Once you watch the video each week, we have questions for you to answer in your group or in the comments section of the post about the video content. We hope these interactions will be both challenging and encouraging!
- After the video, we will let you know the personal study assignment to do for the next week in your The Quest study journal. That’s it!
- As a reminder, this online study is six weeks long and is available to those studying together or going solo.
- If you have teens that would like to participate in the study with you, they can purchase a teen study journal here and watch the videos posted here. Be sure to follow @LifewayGirls on Instagram to be a part of the conversation with other teens!
- If you have elementary-age children, we offer activity books that walk through The Quest‘s content. You can click here to view the Younger Kids Activity Book (Grades 1-3) and here to view the Older Kids Activity Book (Grades 4-6). These can be a great way to discuss the content of The Quest together as a family!
A note about the Bible study videos: We are giving you the complete video content for the The Quest online Bible study! We will leave all the videos up until September 30, 2018, allowing some breathing room for those who join in late or miss a couple of weeks. After that you can rent or purchase the video sessions here.
Have more questions? Check out our Online Bible Study FAQs.
Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s jump in to Session 1! Turn to the viewer guide on page 10-11 of your study journal to follow along with the Session 1 video. If you are a teen studying with us, you can click here for a PDF of the viewer guide to print out and fill in!
- What’s your name and where are you studying from? If you’re a teen, let us know how old you are!
- What does this study look like for you (are you doing it by yourself, with a group from church, with a friend on the other side of the world, etc.)?
- What does the phrase “intimacy with God” mean to you? Would you say you have an intimate relationship with God? Why or why not? What does an intimate relationship with God look like?
- Is there one thought or sentence that stuck out to you in this week’s video? What stood out and why?
Before next week, complete Week 1 (pages 12-43) in your study journal. We’ll see you next time!