The following is an excerpt from Jennie Allen’s Proven Bible study. In her intro, she gives leader tips for leading a small group or Bible study. We think it applies whether you’re leading Proven, any of our other studies, or just reading through the Bible with a group. We wanted to share it now as so many of you prepare to lead groups this fall. We are always so thankful for you! Please let us know if we can help you to lead in any way!
Your willingness to invest truth in the lives of women around you is the greatest act of obedience to Jesus. Right before Jesus ascended to heaven He said to those whom He had spent years investing into, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:18-20).
Make disciples—baptize, teach them to obey—and then finally He says, “I am with you.”
Leadership in any form should humble us and make us sober that we are giving people God. It is no small task and we are certain, every one of us, to do that imperfectly. However, God is with us and as we seek to honor Him and to love and invest His Word in those around us, He will move and change lives.
- Pray
Pray for yourself: Pray that you will be led by the Spirit. Pray that you would lead with wisdom, compassion, discernment, and urgency. Pray fervently and continuously.
Pray for your women that they would: know they don’t have to prove themselves, but that Jesus has proven everything; have hearts that are teachable and moldable; be transformed by God’s Word and His Spirit.
- Lean on God
Don’t lead this Bible study in your own power. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead every moment—your preparation, your facilitation, your follow up.
Don’t just teach what’s on the page. Allow the Spirit freedom to work outside the boundaries of your plan and agenda.
Depend on God for the results. Don’t try to manufacture moments or experiences. Keep in mind your responsibility is to be obedient and faithful to teach the Word. The results are left to God.
Teach out of the overflow of your own walk with God. You can’t pour out much truth from an empty pitcher. Spend time daily with the Savior in an intimate love relationship with Him. Let Him pour into you before you pour out on others.
- Be Vulnerable
There will be times you will need to open up and share your life. This will help others feel safe to share. But don’t feel like you have to share every detail. You don’t. Share what is necessary, guided by the Holy Spirit.
- Listen, but also Lead
Allow women to share their struggles and do your best not to interrupt. However, you will need to guide the conversation. You will need to include all women in the discussion. You will need to continue to steer the conversation back to the truth of God’s Word.
- Model Trust
Don’t be a “do as I say” leader. Be the example. Apply what you have learned and are learning through the study.
What would you add to this list? How do you prepare to lead? How have you seen your leaders prepare?