There are years that cause us to reflect and realize how much our lives are intertwined with God’s goodness and mercy. This past year was that kind of year for me, as God had to radically change my lifestyle to get my attention.
I was living a busy life, working seven days a week, and trying to have a somewhat normal life in the few hours I was not consumed with work. But all that caught up with me, and I became extremely ill due to going into liver rejection. This was a huge wake up call for me.
I was sent to UAB hospital where eight years previously I had been fortunate to receive a full liver transplant. As I lay in that hospital bed for two weeks with hardly any energy and swollen from infection, I began to pray for God to reveal His goodness and plan in it all.
I saw His goodness through the incredible hospital staff attending to me, the family and friends who dropped everything to drive hours to visit me, and God speaking to me in the quiet as I waited for the next round of tests.
There are precious lessons to learn in the quiet, unhurried moments. I began to read Scripture upon Scripture of how He cares for us, how He hears every prayer. I also realized that I had neglected one of the most vital gifts God gave me—a new life and a healthy body that was entrusted to me in 2008.
I have learned that His goodness does not only exist in the mountaintop moments of our lives but exceeds our expectations in the valleys. Our lives can be full of heartache, but hear me when I say, His goodness outranks it all!
One of the Scriptures that I’ve held onto is Psalm 27:13-14. It challenges me to stay with God, to take heart even when I do not see what He is doing. I like how The Message phrases it.
“I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don’t quit. I’ll say it again: Stay with God.” Psalm 27:13-14, The Message
I have challenged myself to see the goodness and positivity in all situations after walking out this past year. One specific instance of God’s goodness is that I ended up stepping down from a job that was extremely unhealthy for me, enabling me to pursue a job more in what I love. This brought me to the adult marketing team at Lifeway, and already it has been such an answer to prayer during this season!
How great is our God that He provides for us just in the right time. I know it is not easy to see the goodness, to wait for what is best, to hold onto hope; but know from a person who has walked to death’s door and back, it is worth it!
Hold onto this no matter what you are walking through, and know He is good and is on your side!
“He forgives your sins—every one.
He heals your diseases—every one.
He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
He renews your youth—you’re always young in his presence.
God makes everything come out right;
he puts victims back on their feet.”
Psalm 103:3-6, The Message
Brandy Cerny was born and raised in the South and is the eldest of four siblings. She received her bachelor’s degree in Communications from Lee University. She then went on to serve in ministry while traveling on a bus with 30 others throughout the US to put on live events. She returned to Alabama to launch small businesses endeavors. And in 2008 she had a life-changing liver transplant which led her to pursue a life interest to move to NYC to get a master’s degree in Nonprofit Management. Whenever Brandy is not working in the Adult Ministry Marketing area at Lifeway, you can find her at her favorite local coffee shop or exploring Nashville.