We want 2016 to be a year where we as women pray and meditate on God’s Word. Each month, we’ll choose a word to meditate on, strive toward, and pray through. We’d love to see how God is working in your life in these areas. Use the hashtag #PrayersFor2016 if you post on social media, so we can follow along!
As we prayed and put together our schedule for February this year, one word kept coming to the surface: Relationships. February is easily the month for love because of Valentine’s Day, but we want to focus on all relationships, not just those of a romantic nature.
Women experience both extreme joy and intense anguish in the area of relationships. We are made for community and hunger for fellowship. Our friendships are deep and strong and last our lifetimes. We’ve also encountered mean girls from time to time who shake the foundations of who we are and how we interact in the future. Our families are of utmost importance to us. We are mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, aunts, and grandmothers. We take each role seriously and love seeing the ways we shift and morph in each of those familial ways. We love without reservation and protect our kin with our whole beings.
Our goal for this month is to pray for our relationships. We want them to be God-centered and oriented toward mission, love, and encouragement. We also want to pray for ourselves, that we may be better friends, better partners, better family members, better neighbors, etc. We want each person we meet to experience what it’s like to meet someone who is in love with the Savior and in step with our Lord.
For this month, we chose to meditate and memorize Romans 12:10:
Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12, as a whole, speaks to how we are to live in relationship with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The chapter begins with an exhortation for us to live as sacrifices, to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Verses 3-8 talk about the different gifts each member of the Body has been given. Just like a physical body, we each perform different functions, but make up one whole. Verses 9-21 continue telling us how to handle relationships.
We are to love without hypocrisy, detest evil, and cling to what is good. We are to outdo one another in showing honor. The word honor is used to mean dignity, esteem, precious. What would our world look like if we outdid one another in showing others how precious they are?
Romans 12 continues by telling us to rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction, and be persistent in prayer. This is what it looks like to have godly relationships. Rejoice in one another’s hopes. Celebrate! But, conversely, we are to be patient in the hard times. Above and in midst of it all, we are to pray. Pray for the hopes, the afflictions of one another. Verse 15 says we are to “rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” Relationships mean celebrating and mourning—sharing every part of life with each other.
This is our prayer and meditation for February—that we may share life together in brotherly (or sisterly) love. We want to outdo one another in showing honor. We’d love to have you pray with us, too.
Just like last month, we have some fun wallpapers for you. Right click or tap and hold the image to save it.
Facebook Cover
Phone Wallpaper
Computer Wallpaper (1920×1080)
Computer Wallpaper (1280 x 1024)
Instagram Art