If you’re like most of us on the Lifeway Women team, then your bookshelves are overflowing with your favorite books and Bible studies. God has blessed our wonderful team of authors with so much wisdom, and it’s hard to believe we all get to benefit from that teaching through the studies they write. That’s why we’re so excited to tell you about one more way you can learn from your favorite authors—smallgroup.com.
Smallgroup.com is a new Bible study tool from Lifeway that will help you to build your own Bible study library and fill it with videos and customizable Bible study content from the teachers you love, teachers like Beth Moore, Lisa Harper, Kelly Minter, Matt Chandler, and John Piper. The studies on smallgroup.com are designed to help you, your Bible study group, or even a group of friends learn from God’s Word and grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Every study you find on smallgroup.com is fully customizable, which means you can adapt the studies to work best with your small group, or you can use them as an interactive study to enhance your daily quiet time. You can answer the questions right on the site, or write your own questions to ask friends after showing them a video of one of your favorite teachers. We’re excited about this new tool and the endless possibilities it opens up for learning and growing in God’s Word. We encourage you to check it out!
Sign up today at smallgroup.com and take advantage of a free 2-week trial. You can watch and study and much as you want during that time to see how much you like have your own Bible study library with you at all times. Let us know what you think!