Jessie Seneca is as a simulcast specialist for Lifeway Women. She, her husband John, and their two daughters live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Jessie is also the founder of More of Him Ministries.
Read Jessie’s story to find out how she got involved with Lifeway Women simulcasts and how her community has changed as a result of it. Also check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series!
I live in the northeast region of the country, in a fast growing suburb of Pennsylvania, with great opportunity for ministry. But it hasn’t always been like that. There were years and years of silence and darkness with just pockets of light here and there. Now, I believe, there’s more light that overshadows the darkness.
About 13 years ago, I was on my way to visit a girlfriend who lived in Arkansas. She was a southern girl who moved into my hometown with her husband for just one short year. We met at church and right away experienced a Jonathan and David relationship. Crushed with the news that she was moving back to Arkansas, I knew things wouldn’t be the same. But we remained close and talked on the phone for hours at a time. Due to circumstances beyond our control, it was eight long years before we ever saw each other face to face.
In 2000, I was finally able to make the trip to visit my dear friend. She also had plans for us to go hear some woman by the name of Beth Moore. Who was Beth Moore? I asked my pastor, but he didn’t know. The local Christian bookstore only carried one of her books. But, hey, I was up for a good conference, and if it meant spending devoted time with my friend, I was good for the three hour drive from Fayetteville to Hot Springs.
Little did I know how big of an impact Living Proof Live would have on my faith journey. Whatever that woman had, I wanted.
And so began my journey with God of daily Bible reading. Life-changing.
I came home so changed that I don’t think my pastor even knew what to do with me.
I wanted other women to experience what I had just experienced, so I chartered a bus to Massachusetts a few months later to a Living Proof Live event. Five bus trips, one live event in our area, four simulcasts, and 25 plus Bible studies later, and here I am! I love helping women get into the Word for themselves and seeing the transformation that takes place in their lives.
[vimeo 62259655 w=627 h=330] The highlight of this journey has been serving with the Lifeway Women team. I had the privilege of helping coordinate the Living Proof Live event when it came to Reading, Penn., in 2012. What a blessing to work with women from so many different churches and to make new friends.I’ll never forget that overwhelming feeling, the day of the event, as our team walked into the arena and saw everything that has to happen behind the scenes to make the Living Proof Live simulcast work.
It was so much bigger than the women in the arena. Yes, the live event is wonderful, but hearing Beth speak to over 150,000 women, through simulcast locations all over the globe, was almost too much to take in.
We recently hosted the Priscillla Shirer Live simulcast in our valley with nearly 300 women in attendance and over 35 churches represented. It only took a few short moments for the women to feel totally engaged as if they were part of the live event.
Technology is amazing, and I am so thankful that we can feel connected from the West Coast to the East Coast and beyond. I encourage you to host a simulcast in your area. It brings growth, unity and community to your women and churches.
For more information on hosting a Living Proof Live simulcast in your community, click here.