Continuing this series of posts based on the meeting Lifeway Women hosted recently here in Nashville that included leaders of various ages, I want to move to the topic of discipleship. If you missed earlier posts, please read those first (part 1, part 2, part 3)
Here are more takeaways from the topic of discipleship:
- Deep Bible study and even theological training are needed so that we can pass the discipleship baton to others.
- We must teach women not only to study under other Bible study teachers and authors, we must teach them to study the BIBLE, inductively such as Anne Graham Lotz teaches in Pursuing More of Jesus. Not only does she teach you how to study inductively, the last video teaches you how to dissect and prepare to teach a passage. Kay Arthur also teaches inductively.
- We must put an intentional discipleship strategy in place and help individuals know how to assess progress over time.
- Our goal is to make disciples who make disciples for the rest of their lives.
- Transformational discipleship takes place best in context of relationships and relationships take place best in the context of groups. The smaller the groups, the more impact!
How are you helping women become transformed disciples who are disciplers?
Watch for future posts based on take aways from our meeting.