I want to continue this series based on the meeting Lifeway Women hosted recently here in Nashville. We had a dialogue between various ages of women’s leaders at the table for three days to discuss current topics and issues we are facing with women in the church. If you missed part 1, please read that first.
Here are more take aways from the topic of today’s culture:
- Social media is a help and a hindrance to reaching women. The positive side is that we can connect more often if we add the internet connections to women. The negative side is trying to find the appropriate use of social media to deal with conflict. Share stories of how this has hurt others as well as how it has helped others.
- When it comes to materialism and generosity, help women find a healthy balance of meeting personal needs and sharing with those in need. Some women are selling and giving away resources to do missions and help the needy. We must raise the bar and help women realize the blessing of the cost of giving.
- Because the world gives women INSTANT everything, we need to provide some opportunities where women can see fairly quick fruit. At the same time we need to show women the value of working toward something over time that will result in even greater fruit, even if we have to wait for the results (or not even see them at all).
How are you helping women use social media with savvy? How are you helping them find ways to balance generosity and providing for personal needs?
Watch for future posts based on takeaways from our meeting.