John 21:12 Project
10/24/2020 @ 12:00 am - 10/24/2026 @ 12:00 am

Bible Study Description
John 21:12 Project is just as the Bible verse reads: Jesus Christ invites His disciples to have breakfast with Him. For six years we’ve dined around the greater Seattle area, keeping Jesus at the center of what we do while focusing our efforts on increasing our faith, fellowship, and philanthropy in the community and around the globe. Women of John 21:12 Project go out and serve our community through service projects to aid in feeding the homeless and loving our neighbors with Apartment Life Organization. We are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We meet once per month on select Saturdays, averaging around eight times per year. Plus, our annual Give Back event to bless those who make this group possible! We are currently working on John 21:12 Retreat to get away with Jesus, as well as other meetup opportunities to bring us closer together as women of God, from prayer walks, faith and fitness, write the vision, and Proverbs 31 women business owners. God orders our steps and helps us understand our purpose through this group of women coming together in Jesus name.