Throughout my time in ministry, I have enjoyed a good rapport with ministry leaders and pastors. God has consistently used them to call out calling in me. This has led to meaningful conversations that have encouraged me in my leadership journey. The outcome has been ministry planning born out of collaborative conversations with a kingdom focus. I pray that you have the same experiences and opportunities!
So, the question is simple. How can we build trust with our pastor or ministry leader? Let’s do some groundwork and then I will share some helpful tips with you.
Ministry to Women in the local church is an extension of the work God is doing in and through the local body of believers. One of the most important individuals to talk to as you develop and implement your ministry plan is your pastor or ministry leader. Your leader should be an advocate for the ministry. Asking your pastor or ministry leader for input on how Ministry to Women can play a vital role in the life of the church often results in synergy and opens doors for ministry development.1
If your pastor or ministry leader is not on board, it’s time to stop and pray before proceeding with the planning process. Ask God to change the situation. Sometimes, slowing down or taking small steps builds trust that lays a solid foundation for the future. Always remember that we are members of the body of Christ. We function best when we are working together.2
Let’s discuss some specific steps we can take to build trust with our pastor or ministry leader. These steps have really helped me over the years!
Be Spiritually Prepared
Spend time in prayer. Seek the Lord as you begin the trust-building process. Remember that trust is built on the foundation of real relationships grounded in truth and honesty. From the beginning, it’s important to be clear about what God is stirring in your heart. The best place to gain clarity is in your personal time with Jesus and ministry collaboration with others. This crucial step helps us watch for God’s move and positions us to trust the Lord as we ask someone else to trust us. This step places our eyes on Jesus and protects us from trying to force things to happen. Along the way, pray for God to open doors and trust Him to move in powerful ways. Being spiritually prepared sets the process up in a healthy way.
Be Intentional with Your Leader
Make an appointment with your pastor or ministry leader during office hours. (Avoid trying to do ministry planning on a Sunday morning or Wednesday night!) Take intentional steps to foster communication as you share your thoughts and listen to their thoughts. Look for common ground and formulate a plan that everyone can be excited about. Here are a few questions you can ask during the process.
- “How can our women’s ministry help the mission and the vision of the church move forward?”
- “What are some things you would like to see the women in the church do to help build unity among our body of believers?
- “What are some ways women can help love and serve people beyond the walls of our church?”3
- “Are there ministry gaps in the church that the women can help fill or address?”
Be Committed to the Process
Once the plan is established, follow through. Lead with excellence and stay true to the plan that was set. This may require multiple conversations or emails. Keep communication short and to the point. Pace yourself and know that you do not have to accomplish everything “on your list” in one meeting or season of ministry. Building trust is a process. Allow the process and the relationships to develop and grow, knowing that one good interaction can lead to the next one being even better.
Be sure to include other women in the ministry planning and implementation process. Build a team of gifted and called women and empower them to lead. This vital step will result in meaningful ministry in your church and community that is filled with life-changing moments. Share success stories with your ministry leader and give them a chance to see the difference women’s ministry is making in the life of the church.
Be Encouraged
God is working and moving! Lives are changed and women are stepping into meaningful ministry opportunities as trust is built with ministry leaders. Without a doubt, shared ministry planning and visioning in the context of the local church is so much fun! Getting to serve side-by-side for kingdom impact is the best.
The bottom line of building trust is this: be prepared, intentional, committed, and encouraged. As you do, watch the Lord move as ministry to women in your church and community continues to develop and grow. Along the way, ask God to build a strong alliance of leaders (including your pastor or ministry leader) who advocate for women loving the Lord, serving the Lord, and enjoying the abundant life Jesus provides.
Work Cited
1. Found in “Ministry to Women: 5 Keys for Effective Growth,” Arkansas Baptist Women, 12, This is the intellectual property of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
Andrea is new to the Lifeway family. She is excited to serve as the director of women. Andrea is a Bible teacher whose life calling is to teach women to know the truth, live the truth, and share the truth. Her passion is honest conversation about the topics that drive our everyday lives and how we can always weather the storms of life through the love and power of God and His Word. Andrea is a 2004 graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She has written and published books, Bible studies, and eBooks. Andrea lives in Arkansas with her husband, Jay. They are thankful for two amazing sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and one very chill dog.