For most of my life I have been the textbook definition of someone who starts a goal and can barely see it through. I love the idea of a New Year’s resolution. I love the idea of a challenge. It has always been something that piqued my interest. Yet, I never manage to cross the finish line as I plan to. As a result, I struggled to overcome the defeat I felt when I went two or three days, sometimes weeks, without taking a step toward my goal. And before long, the goal was of a distant time, never to be thought of again.
What was I missing?
Where was I going wrong?
What was off about my goal-setting strategy?
That is when it hit me. The problem was not the goal itself. It was not the idea of being challenged. It was my lack of clarity as to why that goal mattered.
But what can we do about that? How do we purposely reflect on why a goal matters?
The answer is to dream. We pray and dream about where God is calling us next.
In this next season of small groups, I am encouraging our group leaders to walk through a three-step process to dream of a fresh start for their groups.
The process outlined below is one I learned through Intentional Churches.1 It can be used in a group setting, for a discipleship experience, or individually in your time with the Lord. It can help make the daunting task of goal setting an enjoyable journey with our Creator.
Here is an outline you can follow with your group as you start this next year together.
Step 1: Discover.
Look back on the journey and journal your thoughts.
Questions to ask your group:
- When did your group start meeting?
- What are some successes/challenges you have faced in this last year? Example: new leadership, change in membership, different content, and so forth.
- What areas of your group have you invited the Lord into? What areas have you neglected to invite Him into? Tip: Be sure to write these out.
- What was lacking this year that you need more of? Examples: Opportunities to serve together, opportunities to worship together, social activities, meals together, and so forth.
- What was great about this year that you don’t want to miss out on next year?
Once you have discovered where the Lord has journeyed with you, pray this simple prayer over your group and over the next step in the process.
Prayer: Lord, we see You working. We know You are with us. Help us to continue to seek You in the journey this group is taking together—beginning now as we embark on organizing our priorities so that we can align our hearts with Yours. You know what is best, and we want to experience that with You and through You. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Step 2: Organize.
What are your priorities and goals to accomplish this next season?
Tip: You determine the season length. It can be one month, two months, or a semester. It’s worth noting that long-term goals are challenging because culture and lives shift. So pick something attainable for the group.
Questions to ask your group:
- What are we sensing in this next season?
- Example: serving our community, meals together, practicing a spiritual discipline together like fasting or prayer.
- What do we see as a need for this group?
- What about our group might need to be fixed?
- Examples: Better communication, additional leadership, new content, more prayer time
- What is one goal we want to work toward in this next season? Be sure to write it out and make sure everyone agrees on it. Follow up with texting it out to the group and revisiting it weekly.
Once you have discerned where the Lord is taking your group next, pray this simple prayer over your group and over the next step in the process.
Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for that clarity. Thank You for pointing our feet in the right direction but remaining on the firm foundation of You and Your Word. Help us to keep this goal given to us by You before us each time we gather. May we all commit to praying for this next season knowing there are great things to come when we let the vinedresser prune back what we don’t need. Thank You, Lord, for being patient with us in the process. Please help us finish the process by activating the next steps. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Step 3: Activation.
What steps do we need to take to achieve this goal?
Questions to ask your group:
- Who needs to own this goal so that we stay accountable?
- Is there a person who is specifically gifted in this area whom we could ask to lead it?
- Did we give enough time to the goal? Do we need to change any language to help make it clearer?
- What additional resources could we use to help? Podcasts? Books? Apps?
Prayer: Lord, we are ready. We are ready to meet You in these next steps. We know it will come with setbacks and challenges, but we ask for protection from that—for this group and for the people committed to this journey with You. May our group experience Your blessings and the fruit of Your faithfulness. We look forward while also looking up to You for guidance. Amen.
A good friend once told me, “There is gold in the conversation; you just have to dig for it.” That is my prayer for you this season—that these prompts would lead to gold and lots of fresh, new conversations with you, the group you lead, and the Lord who is waiting to meet you there.
- For more information, please visit Intentional Churches. This tool can also be found in the book Intentional Churches: How Implementing an Operating System Clarifies Vision, Improves Decision-Making, and Stimulates Growth.
Haley Malone grew up in South Florida and attended Florida State University earning a degree in mathematics education. After a few years in Tallahassee, she moved to Orlando and spent five years in the classroom and coaching on the volleyball sidelines before stepping into full time student ministry. Haley has served as the managing director of adult groups at First Orlando for the last three years. But most importantly, she is a wife and a mom of three. She is daily trying to find a balance between life, liturgy, and laundry. You can hear more from Haley as she cohosts the Lifeway Group Answers Podcast with Brian Daniel.