Have you ever wished you could sit down in a casual coffee shop with one of our authors and speakers and chat? We are so thankful for the amazing women of God we have the privilege of working with regularly. And while we can’t all gather in our favorite downtown coffee shop, we want to give you the opportunity to know them a little more personally.
Every so often we’re sharing a fresh “coffee chat” with a member of the Lifeway Women family to give you the opportunity to get to know her a little better.
This month, get to know the friendship of all three authors of the Ephesians Bible study: Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger. Plus, get a sneak peek and watch Session One of the video teaching sessions below!
Jasmine Holmes
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world with Melissa, where would you want to go and why?
I would love to go to Italy with Melissa, partly for the history, but mostly because we both love food. We would have a blast!
What is your favorite thing about Jackie?
My favorite thing about Jackie is that I never have to guess what she’s thinking. One day, she looked at me and said, “We should be friends.” And that was that.
Melissa Kruger
What is something Jasmine has taught you?
One important lesson Jasmine has taught me is the importance of considering the historical context when I study the Bible. She’s such a thoughtful (and well-read) historian and that impacts how she studies and understands the Bible. When she reads a passage, she considers both the original context, as well as our current historical moment, which always leads to a more interesting and robust discussion.
What is something Jackie has taught you?
One important lesson that Jackie has taught me is the importance of being bold in belief and prayerful in practice. She boldly shares truth from God’s word, and faithfully lives in light of what she believes. She also always leads us in prayer, because she knows how dependent we are on the Spirit’s guidance as we read, discuss, and learn from God’s Word together.
Jackie Hill Perry
What did you love most about working on this Bible study with Melissa?
I loved her ministry experience that she brought to the table.
What is your favorite thing about Jasmine?
Her hair.
Watch Session One of the Ephesians Bible study with Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger below.
Learn more about the Ephesians Bible study
Who am I? The question of identity is always in the back of our minds, and it’s currently at the forefront of social conversations. But the first question we need to ask is: Who is God? Then we can begin to consider, And who am I in light of who He is? In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes God as a merciful and forgiving Father who unites us in Christ and empowers us to live by the Spirit. We’re adopted children and fellow citizens with the saints because of God’s loving pursuit on our behalf.
In this 7-session study, Bible teachers, authors, and friends Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger walk through the book of Ephesians, examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. Along the way, they’ll help us understand the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.