It’s that time again! We’re adding to the course list of Lifeway Women Academy. Drumroll, please!
We hope you’ll join us for The World of the Bible: Historical and Cultural Context 101.
Get a deeper look at our new course!
The World of the Bible: Historical and Cultural Context 101
Taught by Jen Wilkin, Amy Williams, Katie McCoy, Kristie Anyabwile, and Courtney Veasey
Features: 10 sessions, approx. 30–55 minutes each
The Bible was written thousands of years ago to, by, and about people who were very different from us today. In this course, learn to see the Bible through the lens of a different time, place, and people. Through lectures, quizzes, and downloadable resources, learn about the lifestyles, values, outlooks, and geography that shaped Scripture. Put on the lenses of the Ancient Near East and see the Word of God in its world as an invaluable influence on how you understand its impact for us and for now.
To learn more about this new course and other course options from Lifeway Women Academy, click here. Let’s grow deeper in our knowledge and love of God together this year!
Get a sneak peek with this teaching clip: