Today we’re going behind-the-scenes at Lifeway and learning all about the process of putting together a Christian magazine. Is working on a magazine as glamorous as the movies make it out to be? HomeLife editor David Bennett shares what it’s like to work on a monthly magazine, as well as what what the mission of HomeLife is and what some of his favorite monthly columns are.
MARKED is a podcast from Lifeway Women:
Hosted by Kelly King and Elizabeth Hyndman.
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David Bennett is managing editor of HomeLife and Open Windows. Prior to this, David was responsible for the ideation, design, and production of student ministry resources and programs. He is author of Critical Decisions: Clarity in the Journey, coauthor of Share Jesus Without Fear Student Edition, and for several years was been a contributor for FCA’S The Athlete’s Bible. He edited the first Beth Moore student resource, cohosted the Experiencing God Youth Video Series with Henry Blackaby, and coordinated the First Place youth health program.
David has also served as camp pastor for CentriKid Camps, taught creative dramatics, Bible, and mixed woodwinds. He has served church staffs in Tennessee and South Carolina and has directed regional and national youth events.
He attended Clemson University and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He will never forget meeting his wife, Kimberly, at 2:10 p.m. CT on his fifth day in Nashville. He and his wife have three daughters: Mary Claire, Caroline, and Sarah Kate.
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