Our team is so excited that we are just a few months away from Lifeway Women’s Leadership Forum! We like to say that Forum is the ultimate destination training event. It’s two days in Nashville full of general sessions, worship, interactive breakouts, networking, good food, and lots of fun connecting with other women like you!
One thing that sets Forum apart from other leadership conferences is the breakout sessions. With over twenty breakout sessions to choose from, you can customize your experience to meet the needs of your leadership position or ministry. Everyone’s leadership calling looks different! Whatever responsibilities you are balancing, you will be able to find the best breakouts to lead with confidence wherever God has called you. You will benefit from solid teaching from experienced leaders, have the opportunity to network with like-minded women, and receive practical advice on the next steps to take in your leadership.
Check out some of the breakouts below:
Kelly Minter
When God Is Doing a New Thing
Sometimes we want God to rebuild an exact replica of what we had before, when what He wants is to do a new thing in our lives. We’ll take a birds-eye view of the exiles who returned from exile to rebuild the temple (Ezra 1–6). We’ll see the call on their lives, the obstacles they faced and how they overcame them. My prayer is that by looking at their lives, we’ll see what God wants to do in our own and how we can be faithful to Him.
Hannah Anderson
The Wisdom of Ecclesiastes for Disorienting Times
Personal Equipping
Turn, turn, turn. The world around us is spinning at a dizzying rate, and all things ever seem to do is change. How can we keep our footing in these disorienting times? Join author Hannah Anderson as she explores the timeless wisdom of Ecclesiastes, finding hope in God as a solid foundation for life under the sun.
Katie J. McCoy
Clarity and Compassion in Our Gender-Confused World
General Leadership
Keeping up with all the cultural changes surrounding gender identity can feel nearly impossible. New terms, new beliefs and new values have taken over our social consciousness, and trans identity has become an epidemic among adolescents and young adults. But the ideas behind widespread gender nonconformity aren’t new at all. Discover the ideas that have produced a culture of gender confusion and how you can be an effective witness in these confusing, cultural conversations.
Courtney Doctor
Entrusted With the Gospel
Ministry Training
For over two thousand years, the gospel message has been faithfully passed down from generation to generation. And if you have received the good news of Jesus, then it’s now your turn to pass it on for future generations. Join us as we consider how we can proclaim the gospel fearlessly and pass it on faithfully, knowing the generations to come are dependent on our doing so!
Courtney Moore and Missie Branch
Your Workplace as Your Mission Field
Ministry Training
God has called you to be on mission for Him, but have you ever considered how He could use you for His glory among your coworkers? Just like the rest of your life, those forty hours a week at your job are meant to ultimately be lived for Him. Come learn the biblical reasons and practical ways you can live “sent” even in your workplace.
Still haven’t signed up for Women’s Leadership Forum yet? Don’t miss out—register today. See you in November!