Please welcome to the MARKED podcast, Patricia Namnum, Women Initiative Coordinator for Coalición Por El Evangelio, the Spanish site of TGC! Her desire is to provide Spanish books that help women study the Bible, go deeper in the scripture, and teach us all that God is God of all the Nations. I hope you’ll join us!

Paty Namnún is married to Jairo Namnún and they have 3 beautiful children who came in to their lives trough the miracle of adoption. She works as Women Initiative Coordinator for Coalición Por El Evangelio, the Spanish site of TGC. She also leads the Women Ministries in her church Piedra Angular (Corner Stone) in the Dominican Republic. Paty loves to teach the Bible to other women and has published 3 Bible studies in Spanish with Lifeway: “Light in the Darkness” (1 John), “Complete in Him” (Colossians) and “A Living faith” (James).
Show Notes:
De la Biblia a la Viva podcast
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