Raise your hand if you’re ready for turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, and all things Thanksgiving! While the tastes and smells of the season can feel cozy, we know the time spent baking and preparing for family visits can cause the Thanksgiving season to feel more stressful than thankful.
Why not take some time to be intentional about giving thanks this November? We created our 7 Prayers of Thanksgiving guide to help you prepare your heart for the season ahead and give thanks for the small things. Each day you’ll read passages from Psalms centered on thankfulness. You’ll pray and take time to give thanks in seven areas of life: God’s love, Scripture, creation, and more.
Tip: Our Scripture reading and prayers are simple, so why not invite your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews to join you in celebrating the wonderful gifts of our Savior this Thanksgiving season?
Day 1: Give Thanks for the Lord’s Faithful Love
Read: Psalm 107
Pray: Thank the Lord for His faithful love today. Praise Him for offering salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Day 2: Give Thanks for Today
Read: Psalm 118
Pray: Thank the Lord for giving you today and praise Him for even the small moments.
Day 3: Give Thanks for God’s Word
Read: Psalm 119:97-112
Pray: Thank the Lord for continuing to speak each time you read Scripture. Ask Him to help you make His Word the light for your day.
Day 4: Give Thanks for God’s Refuge and Strength
Read: Psalm 46
Pray: Thank the Lord for knowing what is ahead. Ask Him to help you trust Him and believe that His timing is best. Ask Him to guide every step you take and keep you close by His side.
Day 5: Give Thanks for Blessings in Difficult Times
Read: Psalm 9
Pray: Ask God to help you remember the blessings He brings even through difficulties, suffering, and heartache. Ask Him to help you trust the promises of His Word.
Day 6: Give Thanks for God’s Purpose
Read: Psalm 138
Pray: Thank the Lord for His purpose for you (your job, your work, your strength, and your family). Ask Him to help you walk wisely in your purpose and make decisions according to His will so you might fulfill the plans He has for you.
Day 7: Give Thanks to the Lord for His Creation
Read: Psalm 100
Pray: Thank the Lord for creating you and making you His. Praise God for His victory on the cross which gives you strength, courage, and hope for today.
Click the image below to download a printable PDF of our 7 Prayers of Thanksgiving.