It’s undeniable that Thanksgiving 2020 looks and feels different. We could choose to dwell on those facts, or we can focus on the many ways the Lord continues to remain faithful.
Here at Lifeway Women, our team is choosing to “Rejoice always, pray constantly, [and] give thanks in everything” (1 Thes. 5:16-18a, CSB). With that in mind, we thought we’d share a few of the things our team is thankful for this Thanksgiving!
Here’s what we’re giving thanks for in 2020:
- “The Internet—I know it has its pros and cons, and this year has shown us both in full force. But the Internet (and technology in general) has enabled us to stay together, to work, to play, to celebrate, to mourn.”
—Elizabeth Hyndman, Lifeway Communications & Cohost of the MARKED Podcast
- “Even in the midst of COVID, we were able to celebrate our son getting married this summer and adding a daughter-in-love to our family!”
—Kelly King, Women’s Ministry Training & Cohost of the MARKED Podcast
- “The time we do get to spend with people we care for face to face is so valued and special—soaking up time with family and friends when we are able to see them or talk to them.”
—Brandy Cerny, Lifeway Women Event Project Coordinator
- “Going at a slower pace, learning a new hobby and rediscovering passion for other hobbies.”
—Brandy Cerny, Lifeway Women Event Project Coordinator
- “We were able to buy a new home this year, and I am so thankful for this space as we have been in it together more (which I am also grateful for). We went from living in a seven-hundred-square-foot one-bedroom loft with two kids and a dog to an acre in the ‘burbs! Hallelujah!”
—Larissa Roach, Lifeway Women Marketing Manager
- “The gift of literacy and great creative writers. Being able to read some good books when I found myself at home with more time on my hands—to learn, grow, and go somewhere different through books.”
—Michelle Hicks, Lifeway Women Content Editor
- “The opportunity to go outside and take in the beauty of creation. Whether it was in my own backyard, greenspace, or park, feeling like there was space and fresh air and beauty all around me brought hope and healing to my zoomed-out mind.”
—Michelle Hicks, Lifeway Women Content Editor
- “My faith community. This year has forced me to be more intentional in my relationships rather than relying on surface level relationships within my church. I’m so thankful for the people who have come alongside me this year to encourage me, drop goodies off at my door, and check in on me when my husband is working the nightshift.”
—Juliana Wilson, Lifeway Women Social Media Strategist
- “Fresh Air. It sounds crazy but living in a small apartment in the middle of downtown Nashville is lovely, but I’m so thankful for the opportunities to get outside, breathe deep, and go for a run! Maybe it’s just me, but I kind of think the Lord blessed us with extra great weather this summer and fall.”
—Juliana Wilson, Lifeway Women Social Media Strategist
- “My dog! I love living alone for the most part, but during this season it’s been a little hard for this extrovert. I’ve never been more grateful for his companionship.”
—Darilynn Keith, Lifeway Women Digital Event Coordinator
- “Seasons. It’s been such a gift this year getting to watch the flowers blossom in the spring and the fall colors change. It’s been a good reminder that God is still faithful and this difficult season we’re enduring will also eventually pass.”
—Darilynn Keith, Lifeway Women Digital Event Coordinator
- “I’m thankful for shared laughter. Laughter is contagious (that’s one thing I’m glad is contagious in 2020), and even just when catching up with a good friend via FaceTime, I love how quickly laughter brings joy back into our lives, which is so good for us (Prov. 17:22). 2020 has been a weird year for sure, but I’m grateful for the times I have been able to connect with others over funny stories, silly pranks, quirky sitcoms, and embarrassing-turned-laughable moments.”
—Erin Franklin, Lifeway Women Production Editor
- “I’ve been reminded about what a support the love of family can be during this time. The ones you have history with can really help bring on the joy.”
—Betsy Langmade, Lifeway Women Events Manager
- “The fact that I have work to put my hands and mind to has been a saving grace this year. Even when it’s crazy and overwhelming, I see it as a gift of grace to have things to accomplish each day.”
—Betsy Langmade, Lifeway Women Events Manager
- “Reminders of God’s faithfulness are everywhere. I use the mornings to focus on the sun coming up, nature’s rhythms, and crafted moments to be reminded that He holds all things. It somehow makes the swirling chaos calm down for me.”
—Betsy Langmade, Lifeway Women Events Manager
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Tell us in the comments!