Though events have changed a lot recently, one thing has remained the same: you can still count on Lifeway Women events to be Scripture focused. Our authors teach directly from the Word of God with unparalleled passion. We promise you will leave our events challenged, encouraged, and equipped for God’s calling.
So why would you want to keep this experience all to yourself? Grab your gal pals, mom squad, or your small group and join us for a live event!
WHEN do I start?
- Today is a good day to start! You will want plenty of time to plan and create a memorable group experience. Start conversations about the event and generate the anticipation.
HOW do I get started?
- Sign up here to become a Lifeway Women Insider to receive key information about the event, different ways your group can be involved beforehand, and connect with Lifeway Women!
- Create a sign-up sheet (We love Google Docs!) for your group. Collect names and contact info, along with any transportation/lodging needs (if applicable).
- Decide on a price. Consider event registration fees, taxes (if applicable), transportation, lodging, meals, childcare, etc.
- Ask for a deposit from each woman who signs up to secure her commitment.
- Purchase tickets for your group through
- Research and book lodging. For the lowest rates, check and click on your specific event for hotel listings.
- Decide on a transportation plan. Will you carpool? Drive separately? Rent a bus?
- Set a due date for balances and collect them from each person before the event.
- Try to distribute wristbands at the event to avoid attendees misplacing them.
WHERE do we sit?
- Seating is general admission, so you can sit wherever you’d like!
- If you are bringing a group of 50+, you will receive an email prior to arrival with instructions on how to find your reserved seating.
WHERE do I go to pick up my free group leader T-shirt?
- If you are bringing a group of 25+, you can pick up your free group leader T-shirt at the Event Store by providing your name.
WHAT do I share with my group?
- Group leader’s name and cell phone number
- The name of the person who registered the group (If someone misplaces their wristband, they will need this information to retrieve a replacement at will call.)
- All applicable logistics: transportation, lodging, meals, childcare, etc.
- A packing list: include a Bible, journal, a pen, their wristbands (if you passed them out early), and meal vouchers (if pre-purchased)
- Parking information (if traveling separately): Check pre-event emails from Lifeway about parking before arrival (free or paid parking, bus parking, credit card or cash, etc.)
- Arrival and departure plan: Select a meeting time and place at the venue and a rally point everyone will recognize.
- Follow-up: Make plans to debrief. They will enjoy sharing what they learned, answered prayers, or how God spoke to them. Share about upcoming Bible studies and other ways they can connect and continue with discipleship after the event.
WHAT is Lifeway Women doing to plan and protect my group from COVID-19?
- We are prayerfully planning and anticipating gathering together for live events. We will continue to follow CDC safety guidelines and government protocols related to large group gatherings as they develop. You can register worry-free knowing that if an event is canceled due to COVID-19, we will process full refunds as quickly as possible.