If you’re rushing into the autumn season like we are, get excited because we’re unveiling our fall online Bible studies! (Yes, you read that right, that’s studies with an s!) This fall we’re offering The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer, Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler, Entrusted by Beth Moore, and Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin! Plus, we’re extending the availability of Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland.
Whether you choose your favorite or join more than one, you’re about to take your studying to a whole new level.
So how will this work?
We’ll study together on our online Bible study website. (Direct sign up links for each study are listed at the end of this post!) When you visit the website, you’ll need to log in or create an account.* We know passwords are not fun, but we have good reasons! Because you’ll be logging in, you’ll have the ability to track your personal progress as you study and see which sessions you’ve watched! And, you’ll be the first one to know about future online Bible studies.
*If you’ve ever purchased something on Lifeway.com, you should have created a Lifeway Account. That is the email and password you’ll want to use to log in. If you no longer use the email you originally set up as your Lifeway Account, feel free to click “Register” to create a new account. This email is where you’ll also receive email notifications to remind you that the newest session is now available to watch, so be sure you select one where you’d like to be receiving emails!
Here are the rest of the details you’ll need to participate in this study:
- You’ll get to watch the full video teaching from each Bible study for free for a limited time!**
- The videos will be available beginning September 8 for you to do each study at your own pace. Once you log in, you will see all the available sessions.
- You’ll need to grab a copy of the Bible study book from Lifeway.com (Click here for: The Armor of God, Steadfast Love, Entrusted, Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus and Women).
- Or, check out the eBook version of the study (Click here for: The Armor of God eBook, Steadfast Love eBook, Entrusted eBook, Sermon on the Mount eBook, and Jesus and Women eBook).
- Friends outside the U.S., check out this list of online retailers around the world.
- Go to your email and add “churchresources@email1.lifeway.com” to your contacts. This way, our email reminders for your study are less likely to go to your spam folder.
Have more questions? Check out our Online Bible Study FAQs.
**A note about the videos: We will be offering the entire Bible study videos online for free for a limited time. All videos will be available until November 30, 2020 (11:59 PM CST), allowing some breathing room for those who join in late or miss a couple of weeks. After that time you can rent the video sessions here or purchase them here.
Ready to sign up? Choose your favorite fall online Bible study below!
The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer | 7 Sessions
All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.
But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.
Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler | 7 Sessions
There are times when worship overflows effortlessly from a heart full of gratitude and praise. And there are times when God seems far and we feel we have nothing to offer. We are tired, thirsty, and caught in the waves of a tumultuous sea. But this is when God shows us His steadfast love.
Psalm 107 is a call to worship. It reminds us that each season of life is an opportunity to reveal the anchor of our souls. In this 7-session Bible study from Lauren Chandler, learn to face each season of life with courage and trust in Jesus, and discover how tests in our journeys of faith reveal the true condition of our hearts. For there is no fear for the one who fears the Lord, the one whose soul is anchored in His steadfast love.
Entrusted by Beth Moore | 6 Sessions
We were never meant to take this journey of faith alone or in secret. God has entrusted us with the great and mighty gift of the gospel, something too precious and life-giving to keep to ourselves.
In this 6-session Bible study, Beth will encourage you to guard what God has entrusted to you, further His kingdom by sharing Christ with others, and pour into future generations just as Paul once mentored Timothy. Because in this journey of joy and hardship, we need each other to stay the course and live lives of faithfulness.
Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin | 9 Sessions
What does it mean to be a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven? The Sermon on the Mount articulates what the life of a Christ follower should look like, asking us the same questions it posed to its original hearers: How should a disciple relate to sin? To others? To the Law? How does a disciple think, speak, and act? In this 9-session study, examine the words of Jesus in-depth as He challenges us to think differently about repentance, salvation, and sanctification.
Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland | 7 Sessions
Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.” Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.
Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, stepping into the footsteps of the women who came face to face with the living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.