We know this is not an easy time in our world. We’re afraid; we’re lonely; we’re hurting. We feel all those things.
In times like these, like in all times, we know the comfort and healing God brings through prayer and His Word. While we don’t want to minimize the pain, we want to maximize God. Even when it doesn’t look like it, we can know that He is sovereign over all things. He loves us. He is with us.
That last one is so important. The Creator of the universe is also our loving Father. He knows we are hurting. He knows pain. Our loving Father is also our Comforter (2 Cor. 1:3-7). We can go to Him with all of our troubles—whether pandemic in size or personal in nature. He is with us.
Prayer Prompts for Times of Uncertainty
- Pray for our leaders. Leaders in our churches, our community, our nation, and our world are having to make very difficult decisions. Pray for them to have wisdom, peace in their decision-making, and the boldness to do what is necessary.
- Pray for the most vulnerable to the disease. Pray they will have health, and if they do get sick, they will know God’s comfort.
- Pray for missionaries overseas, some of whom are in quarantine. Pray that they will have peace and their hope will shine in the midst of darkness. Pray they will stay well.
- Pray for those without families. Pray the orphans, widows, and single friends will feel their church family surrounding them during times of isolation and fear.
- Pray for peace, comfort, healing, and hope.
- Pray for opportunities to share the hope of Christ with others. Look for opportunities to share Christ’s hope as you stand in line at the grocery store, as you are cooped up next door to your neighbor, as you see strangers in doctors’ offices and hospitals.
- Pray for those in healthcare. Pray they would stay well, they would feel comforted by God, and they would be able to rest.
- Praise God for the technology that exists so that we can still “meet” together, hear sermons online, read His Word, and communicate with each other.
- Praise God for the medical advances we have in our modern world.
- Praise God for doctors, nurses, and scientists working toward a cure and caring for those who are ill.
- Pray for those working in the service industry. Pray for those who work in restaurants, hotels, tourism, and transportation.
- Pray for your boss/director/CEO. Navigating an international health crisis is complicated and unprecedented, regardless of industry. Pray they will make the right decisions for their employees.
Download Lifeway’s 7-Day Coronavirus Prayer Guide here.

Bible Verses for Encouragement:
- Philippians 4:4-8
- Psalm 23
- 2 Timothy 1:7
- Matthew 6:25-34
- Matthew 22:36-40
- Psalm 27
- John 16:33
- Isaiah 41:10
- Isaiah 54:10
- Psalm 46
- Psalm 91
Songs for your worship playlist:
Listen to our curated Spotify playlist (click here).
- “It Is Well With My Soul” by Daniel Martin Moore
- “Carry Me” by Jenny and Tyler
- “Psalm 46” by Jenny and Tyler
- “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman
- “Death in His Grave” by John Mark McMillan
- “Lord, I Need You” by The Worship Initiative, Shane & Shane
- “Whom Shall I Fear” by The Worship Initiative, Shane & Shane
- “Good, Good Father” by Chris Tomlin
- “We’ve Got This Hope” by Ellie Holcomb
- “God of All Comfort” by Ellie Holcomb
- “Man of Sorrows” by Ellie Holcomb
- “Rescue” by Ellie Holcomb
- “Steadfast” by Sandra McCracken
- “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” by Noah James and The Executives
- “King of My Heart” by Caves
- “Rescuer” by Rend Collective
- “Always Good” by Andrew Peterson
- “Is He Worthy?” by Andrew Peterson
- “Untitled Hymn” by Chris Rice
- “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” by Austin Stone Worship
- “Weep With Me” by Rend Collective
- “The Goodness of Jesus” by CityAlight
- “God Is for Us” by CityAlight
- “Marvelous Light” by Ellie Holcomb
- “Love Lifted Me” by Travis Cottrell and Lily Cottrell
- “Because He Lives” by David Crowder Band
- “Find You Here” by Ellie Holcomb
What prayers, verses, and worship songs are encouraging you at the moment? Tell us in the comments!