If you’re a parent or a small group leader with friends who are parents, you know how difficult finding good childcare can be. When babysitters cancel, parents have no choice but to stay at home and hope the situation will play out differently next week.
As the Bible study leader, childcare should be a priority. Parents live a life of constantly divided attention. What a gift to give them the opportunity to fully focus on individual relationships with God.
So if you’re looking for a few ways to help the hardworking women and men in your group, here are our creative tips pooled from parents and small group leaders on our Lifeway Women team:
- Hold your group meeting in a child-friendly place (think: the nursery at church, a playground on a warm spring day, or even your local Chick-fil-A after the dinner rush).
- Ask group members to pitch in and pay for a babysitter to watch the kids in another room (or house) during meetups, so parents aren’t distracted.
- Find a willing church member (or trusted friend who isn’t in your Bible study) to watch the kids for an hour or two.
- Be flexible in the type of small group gatherings you organize. Consider family-style meals, more convenient times, locations, and more.
- Schedule your weekly meetings during kid-friendly activities (like youth group).
- Offer to swap childcare with another small group from church.
- Check with your youth or college ministry for willing babysitters. Teenagers are always in need of cash!
- Include kids whenever possible. Multi-generational ministry is valuable for all ages.
- Ask your group members, “What works best for you?” While you might not be able to accommodate every schedule and situation, it’s important to meet the needs of the parents.
How do you handle childcare in your small group?