In 2019, we’ll provide a monthly reading plan centered around our blog theme for 2019: This Is Discipleship. We wanted to go ahead and provide the December reading plan for those of you that like to print it out and have it ready for the first day of the month!
In December, we’re going to do something a little different. We’ve spent the year looking at what it means to be a disciple. The simplest answer, we hope we’ve seen this year, is to be a disciple means to follow Jesus. Of course, that is much easier said than done.
In this last month of the year, instead of focusing on a specific aspect of discipleship, we thought we’d focus on a book about Jesus. We’re going to read through John together (we’ve already read a few passages from this Gospel, but hope you’ll enjoy reading them in their full context). The Gospel of John focuses on who Jesus is—why He came into the world and His time here on earth. We’ll see passages that talk about His followers and what we look like as we follow Him. We’ll also get to know the Word who was with God and walked with us.
We know December 24 and 25 are also special times on our calendar, so we have assigned the Christmas story on those days—reading Luke 1 and 2. Of course, John also has a Christmas story, the story of Immanuel, but there is something sweet about the familiarity of Luke’s account on Christmas Day.
We’re so thankful you read the Bible with us this year. We pray this time in His Word was fruitful for you. We’re praying that we all grew in our knowledge of Jesus and in our love of our Savior.
Here is your reading plan for the month of December:
December 2 – John 1
December 3 – John 2
December 4 – John 3
December 5 – John 4
December 6 – John 5
December 9 – John 6
December 10 – John 7
December 11 – John 8
December 12 – John 9
December 13 – John 10
December 16 – John 11
December 17 – John 12
December 18 – John 13
December 19 – John 14
December 20 – John 15
December 23 – John 16
December 24 – Luke 1
December 25 – Luke 2
December 26 – John 17
December 27 – John 18
December 29 – John 19
December 30 – John 20
December 31 – John 21