Each month, you’ll hear from one of us on what we’re reading and a little bit about the book. Enjoy!
We all have moments we’re not proud of—moments marked in our memories when we said something we couldn’t take back, handled a relationship awkwardly, or made a complete fool out of ourselves in front of our friends and family. When these moments take place during our formative years they can contribute to the lies small girls end up believing as grown women.
In her book, He Numbered the Pores on My Face, Scarlet Hiltibidal shares several funny, endearing, and relatable anecdotes from when she was younger—many from the 1990s, which personally took me back to my own awkward middle school days. I particularly related to her “fanny pack fail” when she asked her mom for the new trendy accessory so she could be like the cool girls. What she received was an almost-but-not-quite version of it instead—a story I am very familiar with and find myself re-living from time to time, even as an adult.
As I read about Scarlet striving to fit in, I was transported back to my insecure twelve-year-old self in my Catholic school girl uniform, over-performing, people-pleasing, and ultimately feeling empty and still hungry for something to fill the void inside my heart.
Scarlet beautifully connects with her audience by sharing her personal experiences and relating it to what girls are challenged with today: social media comparison, friendships, and looking for attention in all the wrong places, to give a few examples. Though the circumstances may look different than it did 20-some years ago for Scarlet, the core fears remain the same: “Am I good enough? Am I approved of by my parents, boys, peers, or really anyone for that matter? Will I be loved?”
The answers in this book are grounded in the truth of the Word constantly pointing readers back to God. Scarlet gently and compassionately reminds readers that their identity is defined only by Jesus, and that neither appearance, nor actions, nor anyone else’s opinion can separate those who are in Christ from His love.
Readers of all ages will find hope for the past, present, and future because of the power of the gospel. Interwoven throughout each chapter are scriptural truths that readers can memorize and store in their hearts to find peace, joy, and confidence knowing God sees, knows, and loves His precious daughters, all because of Jesus.
Click here to grab your copy of He Numbered the Pores on My Face!
Amanda Mae Steele is on the B&H team at Lifeway and is a writer, photographer, and performing artist originally from California. She loves travel, learning about other cultures, and coffee dates! Amanda Mae, her husband, Nick, and fur-baby, Dino, proudly call Franklin, TN home.