Today we’re sharing an excerpt from Jackie Green and Lauren Green McAfee’s new study, Legacy: How One Ordinary Life Can Make an Eternal Difference. Order your copy or see a free sample today at We’ve also included some fun, free downloads at the end of this post to celebrate this new study!
If you’re not yet familiar with the story of Esther, take a few minutes to read the nine chapters of the book in your Bible. It’s a page-turner!
God speaks to us through His Word, but sometimes He also speaks to us through other people. In Esther’s case, it was Mordecai who challenged her to choose courage over her fear.
Mordecai redirected Esther to focus on God’s calling and purpose for her life rather than the difficulty that was before her. When you know God has called you to a purpose, you can step into that role—no matter how frightening—because you are confident that God is in control. Fear may not disappear, but that’s when courage becomes stronger than fear.
Esther had reason to be afraid. She probably thought, Who am I to intervene and save my people from Haman’s slaughter? I don’t even belong in the palace to begin with. If these people knew who I really am, they’d know I’m not qualified to be here. They’d throw me out. She truly had done nothing in her own ability to become queen. Mordecai rightly understood Esther was where she was at that moment in time because God had placed her there by divine appointment.
Courage takes action to do the right thing without always having the assurance that everything will turn out OK. And honestly, things don’t always turn out OK. Sometimes the courageous suffer, hurt, or lose. Sometimes they die in the battle. No person better exemplifies courage than Jesus Christ, who, knowing the agony that lay ahead, steadfastly pursued God’s purpose for Him to die for the sins of the world. Jesus took the path of courage to meet our dire need, notwithstanding the personal risk or cost to Himself.
The legacy of courage you leave to someone who follows in your path might begin the day you stand up to do the right thing, or the day you walk away from the wrong thing.
If you’re not currently facing such a situation, at some point you will. Don’t let fear win the day. Don’t let Satan use his favorite weapon to paralyze you. Rather, listen to the voice of the Father saying, “Take heart. Fear not. Be strong and courageous.” Trust Him and move forward.
Want to learn more about this new study? Watch the short video below or read a sample at
And here are some fun wallpapers for your computer and phone! Click the images or links below to download!
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