For the past three years, I’ve had the joy of watching my husband accomplish many amazing milestones. I cheered him on as he went back to college after 10 years in the workforce. I cheered him on as he made significant changes to his health. I cheered him on as he stepped up to lead a men’s Bible study for the first time. I cheered him on as he was the first in his family to receive a Bachelor’s degree. And most recently, I cheered him on as he opened his acceptance letter to medical school! Needless to say, we’ve had a lot of reasons to celebrate in our house!
However, the most beautiful part hasn’t been celebration over my husband, but rather celebration over what God has done in and through him!
In Ephesians 5:18b-20, we’re encouraged to filled by the Spirit. We see that a life filled by the Spirit is one that means “speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your heart to the Lord.” As spirit-filled people, we can’t help but celebrate! The cause of our celebration isn’t because of what we have done; instead, we are “giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (vs. 20).
In other words, a life that is filled by the Spirit is one that celebrates and gives thanks for everything to God.
As my husband and I have walked through this journey the past few years, I’ve asked God to give me eyes to see Him moving in our family, especially in my husband’s life. I haven’t done it perfectly, but I seek to be a wife who is filled with the Spirit, who celebrates both big and small wins, and points all the glory to God.
When is the last time you celebrated your husband and what God is doing in his life? If this is something that you’ve struggled with or haven’t done in awhile, now is a great time to start!
Here are a few ways to begin celebrating what God is doing in and through your spouse:
- Start with Prayer
The best way to start is to begin with a simple prayer: “Lord, open my eyes to see and to celebrate the work you are doing in and through my husband.” As you begin to bring this to God in prayer, you’ll be amazed how quickly you start to notice things you hadn’t before!
- Make It a Date
Set aside time each month to talk about all the ways you’ve seen God be faithful over the last few weeks. Discuss prayers you’ve seen answered and ways you’ve seen God specifically provide for you and your spouse. Writing out your prayers for your husband and your family is a great way to keep track of God moving in and through your lives!
- Express It
If you’re familiar with Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages, consider how you can express how proud you are of your husband and what God is doing in his life through words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, spending quality time together, or with a thoughtful gift.
- Have Fun with Small Gestures
If you’re going to celebrate your other half, start with a few little things. Many times the little things mean the most, go the furthest, or are the most memorable. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Hide some love notes around the house or in his car.
- Send an encouraging text message for no reason at all.
- When you’re on a date, make sure to let him talk without interrupting.
- If you have kids, tell them how great of a father your husband is.
- Praise your husband in front of his friends.
- Bring him breakfast in bed.
- Surprise him with his favorite snack and beverage.
- Tell him how proud you are of him.
- Encourage him to do something with his friends.
As God begins to open your eyes to what He is doing in and through your husband, I have a feeling you will find more than one reason to celebrate!
Mickey Pitts serves as a Marriage & Family Strategist for Lifeway Christian Resources. She is passionate about equipping couples with tools to help their marriages and families thrive. Mickey loves ministering to women and coaches women’s Bible study leaders in her local church. Mickey and her husband Reed live in Spring Hill, TN with her 7 year old stepson, Landon, and a crazy Wheaten Terrier named Dexter.