Once a month, you’re going to hear from our authors, from our team, or from a guest on how we study the Bible, what resources we use, and what questions we ask. Submit your questions related to these topics by filling out the form here!
Bible studies are as varied as the women who attend them. We know there are many of you who meet in your church buildings for two hours a week studying God’s Word. We love that! We also know that many of you can’t meet in your church building or can’t meet for more than an hour. We love that you’re still finding ways to study Scripture together!
Because so many of you are meeting in a variety of locations and lengths of time—and because so many of you have asked—we wanted to clearly explain our options for video teaching. You might be surprised to learn that while the video teaching always enhances your study, it is not always necessary! Here’s how we’re breaking it down:
These videos are typically shorter, and most of them are available as digital downloads (instead of DVDs). These videos reiterate teaching that’s in the Bible study books. We love them because they help you meet the authors of the Bible studies. You’ll be able to see them and get to know them a little better as they teach you “face-to-face.”
We recommend these video teachings because they have additional insights from the author. Typically a bit longer in length, they help unpack some truths taught in the Bible study, as well as fill in some blanks that may have been left by the weekly personal study. However, you can still do the Bible study if you can’t watch these videos. You’ll learn a lot and get a ton out of the study just from doing the Bible study book!
Studies with essential video teaching would be incomplete without watching the video sessions. Many questions are answered within the teaching and the Bible study book relies on participants having watched the videos.
These studies do not have video teaching. You grab a Bible study book and your Bible, and you’re good to go! The teaching all takes place within the pages of the Bible study book.
Want to know which of our Bible studies fall into which of these categories? See the full list of Bible studies and how we have labeled each one below! (And click here or on the image below to download the list.)
So, you’ve decided you do want to watch the videos. Great! We have lots of options for you to do this on your own or as a group. Our goal is to provide multiple ways to engage with the video sessions since we know your group members will enjoy them and grow in their knowledge of Scripture by hearing from Bible study teachers. We now offer most of our videos as DVDs, digital downloads for purchase, streaming videos to rent, and even audio downloads (not video, but you can listen like a podcast!). Search Lifeway.com for the study you’re interested in to see all available formats.