This monthly feature will give you the inside scoop on our events from backstage passes to interviews with our speakers, here’s what happens In Any Event.
The Living Proof Simulcast with Beth Moore is just around the corner, and we’re getting excited. If you’re already registered to join us this September, we can’t wait to study alongside you and thousands of women around the world.
But if you’re not yet registered, have you thought about hosting your small group? The simulcast event is a ready-made women’s retreat. Seriously, all you need is access to the Internet and a willingness to dig deep into God’s Word.
Even the simulcast itself is flexible. If you can’t make the September 15 date, you can choose a date that works best for your group with access to the event up to 30 days later. And did we mention it’s only $20 per person?
What if you could bless your small group with a distraction-free day to refocus on Christ? Give them the chance to unplug, unwind, and spend a day with the One who refreshes them with His Word?
Here are a few tips (and some fun printables!) for making your simulcast event the best yet:
Start with the food. Have breakfast items ready as soon as your guests arrive. Pick up donuts or bagels from a local bakery, whip up some easy muffins, and/or arrange yogurt cups and fresh fruit. For lunch, lay out a taco bar with all the fixings or simply order boxed lunches in for convenience. Nothing distracts like an empty stomach, so make sure to have snacks in case someone gets hungry throughout the day. And above all else, don’t forget the coffee and tea! Keep a pot brewing throughout the day because every hour is coffee hour. 🙂
Consider making goody bags days in advance. Hand out small gift bags stuffed with fun items they’ll need throughout the day: pens or pencils, tissues, their favorite candies, the Living Proof Simulcast program, Scripture memorization cards, and more. It’s the little details that make the day truly special.
While the simulcast event is full of heady topics, it’s also filled with laughter! Don’t forget to make this event fun and inclusive for everyone. Hang the printable banner (below!) against a wall as a backdrop for photos women can later post to social media. Make sure everyone has been introduced. If you’re hosting a larger group of women, notice the women who are attending by themselves. Make an effort to introduce yourself and others to make sure they have the richest experience possible.
You’ll have an hour and a half for lunch, so spend the time catching up with one another. Break out the printable conversation cards (below!) to help women talk through what they’re learning and what God’s placed on their hearts. If you’re hosting a larger group, place the conversation cards on each table, so the women can get to know each other better and leave the event as friends at the end of the day.
Really, you can’t go wrong while styling the simulcast event for your small group or friends. Keep the atmosphere fun and the details simple, and remember to ask for as much help as you need. This is a day to seek after God together as a group, so don’t get hung up on the details.
To get you started, we’ve created some fun printables—a banner, conversation cards, Scripture cards, and recipes—for your event! Click any of the images or links below for printable PDFs.
Are you hosting your small group? What are your go-to tips?