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This year, we are so excited to bring you a new event with Lysa TerKeurst called The Word Alive. The Word Alive events are an immersive experience to help bring the Bible alive for you. One of the things we love about this event is getting to worship with Ellie Holcomb! She’s one of our favorite worship leaders. We have loved getting to know her so far and we’ve loved introducing some of you to her music, as well. We wanted to get a little inside scoop on Ellie and what she loves about The Word Alive events, so we asked her just that.
How did you get connected Lysa? Why did you want to partner with her in The Word Alive events?
I first heard Lysa speak at a conference in Memphis where I was leading worship about five years ago. I can still remember the message she so powerfully delivered, so when Lifeway approached me about partnering with her for The Word Alive event, I was thrilled. We met up last summer in Nashville, and I wept my way through a dinner with Lysa as she explained her vision for this conference. She designed this event specifically to help women engage with Scripture in a deeper and more tangible way, and after dinner that night I went home and told my husband that I knew this was going to be an amazing conference. I feel so honored to be a part of it.
Tell us a little bit about your personal journey with Scripture. How have you seen it be alive in your life?
About 8 years ago, I started memorizing Scripture with a friend of mine who battles depression. We both figured out that it wasn’t enough to just acknowledge the lies that we were so often believing. We desperately needed to hang on to what was true. As I started memorizing God’s Word and letting it find a home in my heart and my mind, God’s Word started changing me. It didn’t always change my circumstances, but it has given me something solid to stand on over and over again when the shame storms roll in.
How does your music fuel your love of Scripture and your love of God? As a worship leader, how do you try to fuel others’ love of Scripture and love of God?
I usually sit in Scripture and let the music come out! The songs I write are a response to the truth in God’s Word that has so drastically changed my life, and they often come when I’m struggling to really believe that a promise from God’s Word is true. People say that listening to my music often feels like listening in on my prayers, and that makes sense because music has so often felt like a conversation with God to me. I’m usually just trying to write the things that I don’t want to forget into my songs, and as I sing them day in and day out, I end up preaching the truth to my soul. What a joy for that to be a part of my job!
What’s your favorite part of The Word Alive events?
I LOVE having a front row seat to watch Jesus meet with His daughters at these events. It’s also a great joy to get to sing together as we worship. I also love hearing Lysa teach. I’m in the room with everyone else furiously taking notes as she teaches the truth with vulnerability and authority. I also really love getting a great lunch after the event with the amazing team running everything!
Is there anything we should look for from you in the future?
I’m working on a children’s book and record right now, so there is some truth and also some playful and whimsical music coming down the pipeline for next year.
We can’t wait for her new record and that children’s book. To hear more of Ellie’s music, check out Red Sea Road. To worship with Ellie and experience The Word Alive event, get all the details and register here. We’d love to have you!