We are sorry to say the free Redeemed online Bible study has ended! If you’d like to view the video, individual sessions can be purchased here.
Welcome back to Redeemed. We hope you are encouraged by this Bible study and have enjoyed getting to know others that are doing this Bible study online just like you!
If you have any questions about how this study works, we’ve answered most of them here.
Catching up? That’s okay! We’ll leave the videos up until July 1, 2017. After that you can purchase sessions you miss online.
Discussion Questions:
- When God graciously reveals to us an area of compromise, how should we respond (p.38)?
- Sometimes people do not respond quickly to a revealed area of disobedience or compromise. Why do you think that happens (p.38)?
- Share any places in your life where God has been asking you to obey Him by faith (p.38).
This week, complete When Love Makes A Way (pages 67-95). We’ll see you back here next week!