For Christmas, we prepare our homes for weeks (or even months). We decorate, we bake, and we invite others into our homes. We often don’t think about doing the same for Easter. This year, we want to make sure you have everything you need to host a celebration—the celebration of our risen Savior who makes all things new.
We hope you’ll invite a friend or family to church and then invite them over for a meal, a conversation, and some fun! To help you out, we’ve provided some fun printables to get you started on decorations and recipes. Just click the link below each picture to download and print!
Begin preparing your heart for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection by meditating on and memorizing verses about our risen Savior!
Decorate your home with this festive banner proclaiming, “He Is Risen.” Punch holes in the top to string it along over your doorway or on your wall.
Use these cute notes to invite friends and neighbors to church! Just fill out the information they’d need to join you and drop these in the mail or deliver them by hand.
When everyone starts asking you for your recipe for potato salad or hot cross buns, you can write it down and give it away on these sweet recipe cards. When you call your grandma to ask how she always made the Easter ham, jot down those priceless hints and tricks on these.
Make sure everyone has a place at the table with these cards. Write your guests names on each one and place them at the table to ensure fun, meaningful conversations.
Be sure to decorate your phone, too! Download this wallpaper perfect for your lock screen.
We hope these downloads will help you prepare your heart and home for Easter. Let us know what your favorite Easter traditions are! Do you usually invite friends over? Go to a sunrise service? Make a special recipe? We’d love to know!