We are sorry to say the free The Gospel of Mark online Bible study has ended! If you’d like to view the video, individual sessions can be purchased here.
Welcome back to The Gospel of Mark Online Bible study. We hope this past week you were able to learn more about the Gospel of Mark and giving up the “right” to ride the shotgun!
If you have any questions about how this study works, we’ve answered most of them here.
Catching up? We’ll leave the video sessions up until May 15, 2017. After that time, you can purchase or rent the sessions you missed here.
Click here for Session 1.
Click here for Session 2.
Click here for Session 3.
Click here for Session 4.
Questions to discuss in the comments:
- How would you explain the compassion of Christ discovered in the first chapters of Mark with an unbeliever?
- How would you describe the passion of Jesus that is described in the last eight chapters of Mark and displayed on the cross?
- Think about the story of Bartimaeus. What did you learn and how does his story compare with yours as you connect in a relationship with Jesus and follow Him?
Before watching the video next week, complete Week Five – The Beginning of His Earthly End pages 107 – 127.