We know y’all are excited about Lysa TerKeurst’s new Finding I AM study! We thought we’d brighten up your day with some fun freebies from the study!
Did you know Lysa travelled to Israel to film the videos for the study? They’re so beautiful, and it’s neat to see teaching on the I AM statements in the locations where Jesus said them.
Here are a couple of clips from the videos:
We know you are loving the art and quotes we’ve posted from the study on Instagram. So we decided to give you a few downloadable images to share, too!
To download, just right click the image or tap and hold if you’re on your phone, and select to Save the photo.
Also for fun, here are a couple other extras. These printable Scripture cards and map are in the back of the Bible study book, and we thought we’d give them away in case you don’t have your book yet. Just click to open and download:
Free I AM Statement Scripture Cards
Free Printable I AM Statement Map