Often in the past, I have taken an article from ThomRainer.com and added a women’s leadership twist to it. Today I’d like do that again with Dr. Rainer’s article, Five Personal Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way. So, if you would, click this link and read his article first, then we will see how this relates to women’s ministry.
1. I sometimes am unprepared to lead on a given day because I have not been in the Word. Although we know this and we talk about this, we have to stop and ask ourselves if we really are making the Word, prayer, and each opportunity He gives us to serve Him as much a part of our daily lives as we should. I have taught when I truly felt God’s anointing and then I’ve taught when I felt it was all just my own power. It’s when I’ve truly surrendered the message and the delivery to Him and when I’ve been absorbed in His Word in my personal daily walk that I know He is the one who has spoken rather than me.
2. I have almost given up right before my greatest victories as a leader. My former pastor used to say, “Don’t give up right before the breakthrough.” Now, if God says to stop then stop, but if He doesn’t, ask Him for strength to continue faithfully serving in obedience even when it’s really hard and you do not see fruit.
3. I have made more mistakes by moving too slowly than moving too quickly. This doesn’t happen to be my normal problem. In fact, it’s really the opposite. I move too quickly at times, wanting closure and to wrap it up. I think we should consider whether we are moving too quick (ahead of God) or too slow (lagging behind God) with the decisions and opportunities He gives us.
4. I have followed others’ dreams instead of my own. Who do you listen to for a vision? If you listen to others rather than getting this vision from God, you may not be hearing the correct course of action. Ask God to help you dream His dream for serving Him. As you spend time in His Word and in prayer, ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you clearly toward the dream God has specifically given you.
5. I have failed at humility. Jesus modeled humility as a way of showing us how to lead, disciple, and serve Him. If we think the calling is about us and what we can do, then pride will creep in. But when we realize it’s about God’s purpose in and through our lives that can only be accomplished through His power, then we will totally depend on Him to get the job done. Loving Christ supremely and loving others will keep our hearts in the right place.
What mistakes have you made that have become great leadership lessons? Share in the comments what God has taught you.
Chris Adams is senior lead women’s ministry specialist at Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tenn. Learn more about Chris here.