Update // Congratulations to our winners for this giveaway: Kathy, Debbie, Cindy, Joan, Jamie, Robin, Iva Ruth, Robin, Lee Ann, and Elaine!
Have you heard? Kelly Minter’s new Bible study, All Things New released this week! This study is culturally relevant, deep, and empowering, which is why we are so stoked that this resource is now available for all the world to read.
In this 8-session Bible study, Kelly walks participants through the Letter of 2 Corinthians, written by Paul to the Church of God in Corinth. The city of ancient Corinth was much like our own modern-day cities: a melting pot of electrifying cultural experiences to be had, along with the myriad pitfalls of spiritual depravity. But Paul’s message to the believers in that city reminds us that God’s Church is meant to thrive in any city and every circumstance in which we find ourselves. Paul’s letter is as timely as ever.
Check out this clip from Kelly’s teaching sessions:
Just like Pastor Tom, each of us has a message to proclaim and live by: Because of Jesus the old has gone, the new has come.
In All Things New, you’ll learn how God can use you no matter your cultural setting, how your suffering can comfort others, and how to leave your old self behind as you celebrate the new life of a believer. You’ll gain wisdom for relationships as you strengthen your church and community, and you’ll understand how God’s ways will set you free.
It’s a wisdom-packed 8 weeks, we can assure you of that.
To celebrate the release of this study, we’re giving away 10 All Things New prize packs that include:
- One Kelly Minter Hymns and Hallelujahs CD
- One All Things New Leader Kit
- One bag of Justice Blend coffee from Justice and Mercy International
To enter to win 1 of 10 prize packs, fill out the form below: