In November, we count our blessings. We think back through the year and recount what God has done, what changes have occurred, and what we learned. This November, in the United States, we’ll be voting for a new President. We’ll celebrate what God has given us toward the end of the month as we gather for Thanksgiving. We begin to anticipate Christmas, buying gifts, practicing musicals, planning parties. We do a lot of talking in November.
When we thought about what our prayers would be for this month with so much hustle and bustle and thankfulness, we thought we should pray that we would listen. We want to be people who listen—listen to the hearts and words and needs of those around us, listen to the Holy Spirit’s nudging within us, and listen to the God who so graciously gave us His written and living Word.
The Bible is full of commands to listen, but one of our favorite passages about listening to God isn’t necessarily a command. It’s a story.
In John 10, Jesus tells a crowd in Jerusalem that He is the Good Shepherd. He is the One who cares for the sheep, seeking them when they are lost, protecting them, helping them. Then, the Jewish people in the temple ask Him if He really is the Messiah, the One they’ve been waiting for. Jesus says He’s already told them He is the Messiah. Then He says,
My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me.
John 10:27
We love the simplicity of this statement. We all know what it’s like to know someone’s voice. We’ve been in a crowded room and heard a loved one over the din. Perhaps you’re a mom and you’d know your baby’s cry from anywhere. Perhaps you’re a daughter and the gentle hum of your mother’s voice or the boom of your father’s instantly provides comfort. We know the sweetness of hearing a grandmother’s voice say “I love you” on the phone.
Like that, those who follow Jesus know His voice. We don’t hear it audibly, but we know the comfort, the conviction, the hope of His voice in our hearts and minds. For those of us who are His sheep, we also know to follow that voice. That voice will lead us to peace and love.
This November, we hope you hear and listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd above the clamor of family, celebrations, politicians, and friends. We hope you listen to His voice amidst your thanksgiving. We’re praying we’ll do the same.
We’d love to see what God is showing you about listening on Twitter and Instagram. Use the hashtag #PrayersFor2016 to share! We’ve also included some wallpapers and art below. Just right click or tap and hold to download (sometimes it takes a couple of tries).
Instagram Art:
Phone Wallpaper:
Facebook Cover Art:
Computer Wallpaper (1920×1080):
Computer Wallpaper (1280×1024):