Just think of us as that friend whose recommendations are always spot-on. Through this series, we’ll help you discover new studies, new authors, and new topics for your small group.
The issues we face in our culture today are complex and polarizing to say the least. An episode of the news, a Facebook post by a friend, or a presidential candidate’s commercial can be enough to make our blood boil and want to lash out. How do we live as Christ in a world that feels so confusing? How do we address issues without condemning? How do we show love to those we disagree with? This list of 5 studies are those we feel can help Christians deal with living life in an unbelieving culture.
Living in Truth by Mary Jo Sharp | 6 sessions
Learn to confidently engage in conversations on cultural issues. The goal of this study is to help every Christian effectively converse on truth by knowing what you believe, listening to discover the cultural view, and responding to false beliefs.
Esther by Beth Moore | 10 sessions
It is tough being a woman of faith in today’s culture. Esther’s situation really wasn’t that different. She is a profile in courage, and her story contains many modern parallels for today’s overloaded and stressed woman. Esther, while a queen, lived as an outsider in a hostile environment. Learn strong lessons of faith, providence, and hope to be equipped to live courageously “for such a time as this.”
Onward by Russell Moore | 6 sessions
Understand how the kingdom of God sets our priorities as believers and gives us perspective on cultural issues. As the culture changes all around us, it is no longer possible for Christians to pretend that we are a moral majority. That may be bad news for America, but it can be good news for the church. Nominal Christianity isn’t working anymore. What’s needed in shifting times is a church that speaks to social and political issues with a bigger vision in mind: that of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Counter Culture by David Platt | 6 sessions
The truths of the gospel should compel us to a contrite, compassionate, and courageous personal response to social issues in the culture. Using biblical foundations, practical illustrations, and personal exhortations, this study is a pointed yet winsome call for readers to faithfully follow Christ in countercultural ways. There will be a cost. There will be a reward. Do Christians in the contemporary church have the courage to counter the culture?
A Beautiful Design by Matt Chandler | 9 sessions
God created us to function according to His perfect design, and for all of human history, our world has been male and female. But our ever-changing culture faces challenges due to sin. More than ever the church needs to be a safe refuge for the gender confused, the sexually broken, the single, the married, and the divorced. God’s plan for man and woman is the ultimate design. And life lived within this beautiful and unchanging design leads to our greatest joy.
Would you add anything to the list of cultural issues studies? Is your group studying one of these next? Let us know in the comments.