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Living out your faith is difficult for all of us, but what about for those who are in the spotlight? How does one balance faith & fame in the secular world? Join us as we hear from Grammy award winning artist CeCe Winans about how she has navigated secular places with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
CeCe Winans is a Grammy award winning Gospel singer, songwriter and author. For over twenty years, CeCe has graced the covers of numerous magazines, appeared in several TV shows and has been the recipient of countless music awards. CeCe is beloved by fans around the world and continues to write and create music in addition to leading a church with her husband, Alvin, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Part One: FINDING BALANCE CeCe can share how she balances her faith & relationships in the music industry and other experiences as a working mom and woman in ministry.
Part Two: LEADERSHIP FOR THE NEXT GENERATION Share her ideas and leadership principles for the next generation.