Update // Congratulations to our winners for this giveaway, Vicki, Laura, Tanisha, Emily, and Samantha!
On Tuesday, we talked about some studies that we feel every woman or women’s group should do. But don’t mistake foundational for elementary. What’s great about doing these studies in a group is that no matter where each woman is in her spiritual walk, she will get so much from each of these studies. But don’t just take our word for it! Check out what some of the women in our Lifeway Women community had to say about these studies.
“This. Is. Fantastic. I wish I had this long before now! Understanding the Bible as one complete story… Yes! Yes! Yes! This is so easy to understand, and helps you to see how fascinating the Bible truly is—ALL of it. They are not just random disconnected stories. They are all priceless pieces to one big, beautiful story. If I were rich, I’d buy a million copies and give them to everyone I know. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. (P.S. I love that there is plenty of room in the margins to make notes. Bring on the colorful pens and highlighters!!) #SeamlessBibleStudy -@Shuginboots on Instagram
“I have been anxiously awaiting the release of this study from my friend@angelathomaspharr and here it is! I had the privilege of sitting in a few of the taping sessions and you guys…it’s so good. Angela teaches the Bible in such a life-altering way. #RedeemedStudy” -@jesswolstenholm on Instagram
About the Disciple’s Path resources, @kami49 tweets, “A key element in the development of our relationship with God is spending time together. #DisciplesPath“
“Recently, I could create a list of things that has kept me from opening my Bible up, but all of them have been lies I’ve tried to convince myself were true. ‘I’m too busy’ or ‘I’ll do it later’ or even ‘I know a lot of this stuff already so why do I need to go deeper?’ … I learned through [Open Your Bible] today that THE BIBLE IS FOR ME (AND YOU READING THIS) + IT’S FOR RIGHT NOW! What a cool way to get myself fired up for the Lord again! ‘Nothing you are doing, have done, or will do renders you ineligible for the good news of the gospel!’ –#SRTOpenYourBible” -@smullen_96 on Instagram
“My girls Bible study that I am a part of has recently started [studying] No Other Gods. When I think of having no other gods before God, ancient stone idols immediately come to mind. But this book reminds me that in our modern-day culture, an idol or a god is anything that steals my heart’s affections from the one true God and inordinately motivates me. Anything that I place over God in worth, desire or focus can become an idol, even good things.
So, even though my family, my business, my fitness goals, etc are good things and very important to me, I need to be sure they aren’t becoming MORE important to me than God.” -@inspiredlifebyholly on Instagram
Well, there you have it! These are 5 life-changing, can’t-miss-them, go-back-and-do-them-again studies that we think should be added to your shelves and plans pronto.
Today, we’re giving 5 winners their choice of 1 Bible study book from this list! To enter to win, simply fill out of the form below.
By entering today’s giveaway, you acknowledge Lifeway Christian Resources’ official promotion rules. Today’s giveaway starts at the posting time of this blog and ends Monday (09/26/2016) at noon (12:00 pm) CST. You must be 18 to enter, and you may only enter once. The winner will be selected at random. Only participants who live in the United States or Canada are eligible to win. For questions about the rules and regulations of this giveaway, please contact Heather Warfield at One Lifeway Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234-140.
We want to hear from you! Have you done any of these studies? Which ones are you most looking forward to trying? Let us know in the comments!