Today, let’s discuss lessons 7 and 8 as we continue to look at the lessons God has taught me over the years. You can read more about the first 2 lessons here, lessons 3 and 4 here, and lessons 5 and 6 here.
Lesson 7: Don’t Neglect Family
Family members and relationships are our primary ministry. God has given us husbands, children, parents, and others as gifts. If we neglect family to get on with “important ministry,” we forfeit some of the greatest blessings we can experience through ministering to those closest to us.
Sometimes we fail to see family responsibilities as ministry, but Scripture tells us we are to do everything as unto the Lord. “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord—you serve the Lord Christ” (Col. 3:23-24). If we see our ministry to our families from God’s perspective and do it for His glory, what seems mundane and routine can become ministry as unto the Lord.
Whenever possible, include your family in your ministry. Many activities can become teaching opportunities as they see you minister to others. Never push family to do ministry; instead, encourage their participation. Your family can become ministry partners as you seek their prayer and support as you serve.
Lesson 8: Step into the Water
Be bold and willing to move when God directs—even if the “water” (your different circumstance) has not parted yet. When the Israelites were told to cross over the Jordan, the water was flowing full force. It was not until the priests put their feet into it that it parted (see Josh. 3:15-16). Joshua told the Israelites to select representatives from each tribe to take memorial stones from middle of the river. This was the place where they stood on dry ground—a place of remembrance of God’s faithfulness to protect and provide. These memorial stones represented God’s provision when future generations asked about the stones’ meaning. God’s miracles would be repeated in the ages to come.
Is God asking you to do something beyond your abilities and comprehension? Maybe you see only the deep waters ahead. Step out in faith if He is leading you to move. He will part the waters to accomplish His assignments. Future generations will be blessed because of your faithfulness to trust in God’s provision in your life and ministry.
This article is adapted from a chapter written by Chris Adams and found in Women Reaching Women: Beginning and Building a Growing Women’s Ministry compiled by Chris Adams.