Each month, you’ll hear from one of us what we’re reading and a little bit about the book. Enjoy!
So many times I catch myself wanting to bottle up a feeling or an experience, and keep it for later to pull out when I’m in a bad mood or things just aren’t going the way I planned. Thinking back on these moments makes me smile, but if I’m not careful I can miss the moments happening right in front of my eyes.
Annie F. Downs does an amazing job of explaining the importance of looking for lovely in our everyday lives. In her book, Looking For Lovely, she walks readers through moments in her life where she was able to find small glimpses of lovely even when life did not seem so lovely at the time. These moments could be as simple as a sunrise or a fun workout class with friends. Annie also includes a challenge to the readers for different ways to find lovely in their day.
Some ways to find lovely in your own life:
“Set your alarm tomorrow to see the sunrise. Don’t tell me you don’t know when it happens because one Google search will tell you the exact minute. (Oh technology, we love you.) About twenty minutes before the sun is to rise, get in a place where you can see the eastern sky. That way you see how dark it is before dawn. You know it in your heart. If your life feels so dark that sometimes you have no idea where the light is going to come from, go there early and watch the sunrise. And afterwards? Read Psalm 19. You’ll thank me later.”
“Ask your friends or your social media network and find a new worship album to download. And when you buy it, listen all the way through.”
“Paint your nails today! Whether it is your first time EVER (start with a pink!) or you are addicted like me (add a signature nail!), today is the day for a little manicure. As you are painting, use it as a time to pray and ask God what it would look like for you to cultivate a quiet and gentle spirit, to find yourself what is health for your soul and your body.”
“Take a walk today. Maybe it’s just around the block, or maybe go to the local mall and take a few laps. While you are walking, look around. What do you see? What is catching your eye? Pray as you walk, asking God to direct your eyes to the things He doesn’t want you to miss.”
These challenges are just fun ideas to find lovely in your own life. The place that Annie really desires her readers’ to find lovely though is in their relationship with Jesus Christ. “To Jesus. You saved me once, but You rescue me all the time. My flesh and my heart fail us both repeatedly, but You are the strength of my heart. You are my portion forever. I’m so glad to do this life with You. When I really looked for lovely, I found You.”
You can pick up your copy of Looking For Lovely at your local Lifeway store or here online. There is also a women’s Bible study, as well as a teen girls’ version.
Have you read Looking For Lovely? What did you think? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!
Meredith Ratcliff is a recent graduate of The University of Mississippi and was the Lifeway Women Marketing Team’s intern for the Summer. Meredith loves exploring Nashville, having game nights with friends, sweet tea, and following the Lord wherever He might lead.