Women are qualified to minister to others for a variety of reasons. Both the Old and New Testaments provide examples of women who were a part of God’s ministry. In the Old Testament Ruth chose to follow and minister to her distraught mother-in-law, Naomi, as they grieved the loss of husband and son. In 2 Timothy Lois and Eunice, Timothy’s mother and grandmother, actively passed along their heritage of faith. Dorcas (see Acts 9) served both in her church and community, ministering to the less fortunate. The example of Jesus also qualifies women to minister. He ministered to and with women throughout His earthly ministry.
Redemption and giftedness are additional qualifications that should inspire women to be busy about the Lord’s work. Because of our salvation, we have the gift of life to share with the world. Because of our personal giftedness (see 1 Pet. 4:10), we are equipped to serve Christ as He leads. It is both a privilege and responsibility to use the gifts God has given us. Since Jesus has commanded that we “go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19), how can women not minister? The only prerequisite is that we experience life’s joys, trials, victories, and sorrows and share transparently what God has done through each experience.
Leadership skills develop as women boldly step out in faith to attempt the great tasks God assigns to them. For example, a woman I know had never felt qualified to accept a leadership position in her church. After attending a women’s Bible study, she realized God had given her gifts to use for Him, despite the fact that she felt inadequate. When a leader invited her to take part in planning a women’s retreat, she accepted. Through that experience she learned the importance of serving and giving others the opportunity to serve. Eventually she became a ministry leader in her church. When God moved her family to a new city, she was prepared to share her gifts and experiences to help develop a women’s ministry there.
This article is adapted from a chapter written by Chris Adams and found in Women Reaching Women: Beginning and Building a Growing Women’s Ministry compiled by Chris Adams.