Update // Congratulations to our winner for this giveaway, Gayla!
This month, we’re praying that we learn to enjoy. We are praying that we learn to relish in the little moments and thank the Creator of them all. That we will taste and see that the Lord is good.
Sometimes enjoyment is learning to find joy in the midst of hardship. Sometimes it is choosing to not take blessings for granted. And other times it’s treating yourself with the same tenderness and care with which you treat others.
A lot of us spend so much time giving to others that we forget to take care of ourselves. We don’t take time for a bubble bath, curl our hair just because we can, or allow ourselves that piece of cake because there are inboxes to be attended to and laundry to be folded and skinny jeans to be squeezed into.
So today’s giveaway is about treating ourselves. It’s about enjoying indulgences because we know we are worthy of them. Here’s what we’re giving away today:
Rusk Deepshine Lustre Shine Enhancing Lusterizer. We put our hair through a lot. And the stressful lives we lead certainly don’t our hair any favors! Pamper yourself with this lusterizer and make your hair shine.
Lifeway Women Journal. Spend some time alone to write out your prayers, meditate on Scripture, and reflect on how you’re really doing.
[The Cutest Ever] Colored Pencil Set. Coloring is a great way to unwind, relax, and destress. This delightful box of colored pencils is all yours—no sharing with the kids!
The Lord’s Prayer Hand-Lettered Print. How pretty is this print?! Hang it somewhere where you can see its loveliness and be reminded of the truth often.
Glass Tea Carafe. Sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea to turn a day around. And drinking it from a pretty little carafe like this? Even better.
You can enter to win this Enjoy Prize Pack by filling out the form at the bottom of this post.
Even if you don’t win this giveaway, we’d like to challenge you to take some time to enjoy today. Pour yourself a second cup of coffee before cleaning the house on Saturday morning. Put away your phone and enjoy a good conversation sans distraction. Put on that bright pink lipstick for no good reason other than it makes you happy.
You deserve it. So go enjoy it.
What’s your favorite way to enjoy? How do you find time to take care of yourself amidst a busy schedule? We want to hear from you, so be sure to leave a comment!