Here are a few things we’re loving this week.
We love this powerful reunion between a WWII vet and a man he rescued from a concentration camp.
How often do we struggle to believe God’s promises to us? That’s why we love this from Michael Kelley on 3 Things That Are Guaranteed to Wreck Your Faith.
Okay, this one comes with a bit of a warning, but we were laughing too hard not to include it—it’s a story about kid puke. We love how this dad responds.
In her 1 Peter study, Jen Wilkin talks about the confusing passage about women being called “weaker vessels.” We love how she explains that in the study and on the Word Matters podcast here.
We love avocado toast and so we’re excited to try several of these alternative toasts!
We’re fans of Hannah Kerr and are especially loving this song right now.