I want to introduce a new series on leading through the various stages of life and ministry. A book that brought idea this to my attention was one I read several years ago called, Seasons of a Leader’s Life by Dr. Jeff Iorg. (In fact, all of his books are practical and effective.)
So, to start with, I want to ask you several questions:
- What leadership responsibilities do you currently have?
- How long have you had each of these responsibilities?
- Do you work outside your home in an unrelated job (regarding the answer to the first question)?
- What family responsibilities do you have?
- Are you in school?
- What responsibilities do you have in your local church?
- What do you believe is God’s specific call in your life?
Answering these questions will start your thinking about what we will address in this series. Sometimes we may think we must drop everything we are currently doing to follow God’s call to service. But perhaps He showed you a big picture to give you an overall direction, and now He’s going to show you how to take one step at a time.
When God instructed Joshua to cross over the Jordan to enter the Promised Land, He gave them the big picture of victory and the defeat of the people currently possessing the land. Then He gave them one step at a time to get it done. Reach Joshua 1-3 for this magnificent and courageous leadership story. They didn’t even see how God would get them across the Jordan until they prepared and stepped into the water.
So, although occasionally God may totally redirect our lives to fulfill His calling, often He shows us step by step, one day at a time, how to serve Him with our current responsibilities as we walk toward that overarching purpose He has shown us. He won’t always tell you to abandon all relationships and things that are familiar, but He will guide as you seek to stay in His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.
I will address specific seasons in future articles in this series. Feel free to get a copy of Dr. Iorg’s book for more on this topic.
Chris Adams is senior lead women’s ministry specialist at Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tenn. Learn more about Chris here.