Have you always wanted to watch The Chat with Priscilla, but never been able to catch it when it airs? We have good news for you!!
The Chat with Priscilla is now available ON DEMAND! We will announce new shows here on the Lifeway Women blog or you can subscribe to the You Tube channel by clicking here!
Our first show of season 4 is about overcoming domestic violence and features an interview with special guest Christy Sims.
Just weeks away from receiving her Master’s degree in counseling, 42 year old Christy Sims was viciously assaulted by her boyfriend with industrial sulfuric acid. Christy spent two months in a coma, underwent multiple reconstructive surgeries and today she lives to tell her story of overcoming! Christy now sits on the board of directors for the Christy Sims Foundation, created to serve domestic violence victims by ‘educating the community, increasing awareness and raising funds to support victims of domestic violence.” Come join us as we hear more about Christy’s story, how she’s overcome great trials and how God is using her story to shed light on domestic violence around the world.
The domestic violence statistics in the US are sobering. These statistics tell us that 1 in 5 women are victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime’. What do we do about this horrendous violence? How do we respond as believers?
Part One: Join us as we hear from Christy about her story, what God has taught her since this violent act, and what the future looks like for her and her family.
Part Two: In Part 2, Christy will share more about the Christy Sims Foundation, what they are discovering about domestic violence and how we should respond as believers & friends of those who might be experiencing domestic violence.