Here are a few things we’re loving this week.
We love Christmas music, but some of us believe we should wait until after Thanksgiving to begin playing carols. So, we would like to share this Thanksgiving Playlist with you. It’s perfect to listen to for the next week.
After Thanksgiving is Advent (it begins Sunday, November 29th). We love this kid-friendly Family Advent Guide from Lifeway Kids.
We just love these two buddies taking a nap together.
It may not be the most fancy lotion in the world, but this time of year when our hands are completely drying out, we love this hand creme.
We love this from Lore Wilbert: Marriage is Not the Most Sanctifying Agent.
What does loving our neighbors look like right now? Trevin Wax writes about the current refugee crisis and how love drives out fear.
And finally, we love this: