We’ve recently discussed two very important aspects of preparing for your next women’s ministry event—prayer and planning. While these are a couple of the most essential ingredients to a successful conference or retreat, you cannot overlook publicity. You must get the word out about your upcoming event.
One of the most effective ways to publicize is through personal invitation. After you have developed your theme and enlisted your speakers, you will want to produce an appealing brochure to send to as many women as possible. You can also send this information out via an email blast.
Your target audience might include:
- Women in the church
- Women on mailing lists and email lists from outside the church (from previous conferences, meetings, retreats, or other churches’ mailing lists)
- Women in churches in your state (You can obtain this information from your state denominational offices.)
Another way to publicize the event is to send correspondence to all the churches in your area, asking them to publicize the event. You will need to follow up the correspondence with phone calls, making sure someone has agreed to help you. If a church has an active women’s ministry, they may be less likely to participate because of their own activities. Nevertheless, encourage their support. Return their kindness by supporting the ministry efforts of other churches whenever possible.
You can advertise in your local newspapers, your state denominational paper, on Christian radio, and on television. All of these options need to include the essentials: the what, where, when, and why of your event. Don’t forget to tell them how they can get more information.
Develop an active file for free advertising: community calendars, listener-supported radio stations, public service announcements. Utilize women in your church who are experienced in public relations. If no one is, don’t let that stop you from contacting media outlets in your community.
Don’t wait too late to advertise. A month before the conference is not sufficient time. However, you also don’t want to advertise too early.
What are some of the most effective ways you’ve found to help get the word out about an upcoming event at your church?
This article is adapted from Women Reaching Women: Beginning and Building a Growing Women’s Ministry, compiled by Chris Adams.
Merci Dixon formerly served as Director of Women’s Ministries at Moss Bluff First Baptist Church in Moss Bluff, Louisiana.